Fl0yd, how much is left for qi before you graduate?

Also, I saw that you invited Overgro to Essence-Minor.
What's he like?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Nothing terribly interesting doom, what country do you live in btw?

Also, your welcome g0ldelite
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Fl0yd, how much is left for qi before you graduate?

Also, I saw that you invited Overgro to Essence-Minor.
What's he like?

Nothing interesting. Just immature. And I am under exadurating when I don't put anything like "extremely" or something. Just seems like he isn't ready to be in a clan. And still at 70. Just been a little busy lately. I had to get up at 6:00 to do somthing yesterday and was too tired to play the whole day.
And guys, I was eating lunch and thought of joining the military when I'm 18. Good or bad idea?
Sometimes, I feel like I'm not here to others, or that I'm being pushed down. But they can't stop me from getting back up.
Originally Posted by fl0yd218 View Post
Nothing interesting. Just immature. And I am under exadurating when I don't put anything like "extremely" or something. Just seems like he isn't ready to be in a clan. And still at 70. Just been a little busy lately. I had to get up at 6:00 to do somthing yesterday and was too tired to play the whole day.
And guys, I was eating lunch and thought of joining the military when I'm 18. Good or bad idea?

Honestly, im anti-military, we spend too much on military, and military based stuff, so we can LOSE money (jobs used on military is fake stimulation of economy) so good people can go DIE for something they probably dont believe in, just to support the interests of corrupt politicians (you arent warring for you country, you war for the oil.) This is money that could be used on stuff like nasa (which gets 1%-1.4%, and NASA actually generates profits through patents, we have them to thank for game controllers ect.)

Short answer, no, dont waste your life for the greedy, we have enough defense without you.
furthermore, why dont you want overgro in, i thought he was your friend, you shouldnt worry about his maturity anyways, this is a proving grounds for players, if they arent mature, they dont get into the Essence clan.
Last edited by kill828; Nov 14, 2013 at 09:06 PM.
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.
Well, sorry for being inactive. :c
Had to reformat my computer + had some stuff to sort out :L

Well I guess I'm back with my Gandalf
No matter how sturdy something appears, it should have some weakness.
Originally Posted by G0LDELITE View Post
Thanks kill828 for the warm welcome and I hope to see you all later have a great day

Welcome to the clan Gold. I hope you find everything you're looking for here.
If you need any assistance, feel free to contact seasickazn or kill828.

Originally Posted by YourDOOM11 View Post
Hey guys! I'm back from EXAMS! YUSSS! Felt like I was stuck on a butt. Well, what did I miss?

Welcome back.
Oh, not much. We're just recruiting and running things as usual.

Originally Posted by fl0yd218 View Post
Nothing interesting. Just immature. And I am under exadurating when I don't put anything like "extremely" or something. Just seems like he isn't ready to be in a clan. And still at 70. Just been a little busy lately. I had to get up at 6:00 to do somthing yesterday and was too tired to play the whole day.
And guys, I was eating lunch and thought of joining the military when I'm 18. Good or bad idea?

Hm, interesting. Well, thank you for sharing your opinion.
Ah, well you'll be there very soon. I can't wait to have you in Essence.
You seem very promising.

Also, like Kill, I'm very anti-military too.

Originally Posted by ChangBlood View Post
Well, sorry for being inactive. :c
Had to reformat my computer + had some stuff to sort out :L

Well I guess I'm back with my Gandalf

No worries at all. I wondered where you had gotten off to.
Welcome back Chang.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Welcome to the clan Gold. I hope you find everything you're looking for here.
If you need any assistance, feel free to contact seasickazn or kill828.

Welcome back.
Oh, not much. We're just recruiting and running things as usual.

Hm, interesting. Well, thank you for sharing your opinion.
Ah, well you'll be there very soon. I can't wait to have you in Essence.
You seem very promising.

Also, like Kill, I'm very anti-military too.

No worries at all. I wondered where you had gotten off to.
Welcome back Chang.

Originally Posted by kill828 View Post
Honestly, im anti-military, we spend too much on military, and military based stuff, so we can LOSE money (jobs used on military is fake stimulation of economy) so good people can go DIE for something they probably dont believe in, just to support the interests of corrupt politicians (you arent warring for you country, you war for the oil.) This is money that could be used on stuff like nasa (which gets 1%-1.4%, and NASA actually generates profits through patents, we have them to thank for game controllers ect.)

Short answer, no, dont waste your life for the greedy, we have enough defense without you.
furthermore, why dont you want overgro in, i thought he was your friend, you shouldnt worry about his maturity anyways, this is a proving grounds for players, if they arent mature, they dont get into the Essence clan.

Ah. Ok. But still, one of my good friends is going, I have a few family members going, and alot of people are supporting me for my choice. This world doesn't need war, but if it means my life would be at risk, than I am ready to show what I can do. I will defend the USA from attackers or die trying.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm not here to others, or that I'm being pushed down. But they can't stop me from getting back up.
Bandwagon fallacy. Just because a lot of people are doing it or are supporting your choice doesn't mean that it's a good choice. It doesn't mean that it's a bad one, but the number of people in support should have no influence over how correct something appears. Choices should be judged purely upon their own merit, not support. Anyway, regardless of what you do, you should research fully into the choices you want to make (especially large ones) and make sure that you're satisfied with the choice you make (both the risks and rewards). That's all I really have to say on that note. xP
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]