Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
The purpose of the design to that shirt bewilders me.

Yeah I know... But still, it's an anime design so... shh...

P.S. Just decided to play some Assasin's Creed Brotherhood earlier. Did I ever tell you guys that Ezio is SEXY AS HELL...? Did I?


Just finished Dragon Age 2 for the second time, everyone seems to hate it but I absolutely love the game.
Last edited by Rainbowz; Sep 25, 2011 at 07:08 AM.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Hey, any of you guys interested in a hilarious FPS ? Soldner is kinda fun

There are hundreds of vehicles and hundreds of guns in the game. Plus the multiplayer is hilarious. :V Don't worry about player limit, the limit is 32 or 64 can't remember.
Download link
Last edited by dbuhos; Sep 25, 2011 at 09:14 AM.
Centuries Of Damn
1) How is that an FPS?

PFS - First Person Shooter...

2) The only comical thing about that video was the music... and even that wasn't that funny.

3) This video made me want to play battlefield heroes again, that was a fun game.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
I have seen no evidence of that so far...

Also, I'm not going to trust someone who has their current mood set to "devilish" lol.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Sneaky bastard...

Anywho, this is getting off topic.

So to fix that, I just finally finished Final Fantasy 13... after like, 70+ hours, Jesus Christ.

I have now been transformed into an FFF... Final Fantasy Fangirl.
Last edited by Rainbowz; Sep 25, 2011 at 10:01 AM.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Playing Fallout: New Vegas.

I'd just like to say something... I FUCKING HATE CAZADORS, FUCK THEM... No, I'm seriously not over reacting. They are fucking insanely difficult...

When you see them in the distance you might as well re-load. Because your screwed... SCREWED...

I'll let this picture say the rest for me.

I hate them so much, they make me want to cut myself, oh my god. SO FREAKIN' SCARY...
Last edited by Rainbowz; Sep 28, 2011 at 07:01 AM.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
I have FF III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XIII. I used to be a FFF
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black