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HUZZAH.rpl (60.8 KB, 5 views)
HUZZAH2.rpl (44.6 KB, 3 views)
watttttt.rpl (60.2 KB, 3 views)
Jenson pls2.rpl (151.0 KB, 3 views)
He was done.rpl (196.9 KB, 3 views)
Nevergiveup.rpl (52.5 KB, 2 views)
scissor.rpl (169.1 KB, 2 views)
slol.rpl (38.5 KB, 3 views)
Best Skeet Stop.rpl (35.9 KB, 3 views)
hue.rpl (49.3 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by MoldyRobot; Oct 12, 2015 at 10:33 AM.
Originally Posted by KingM1K3 View Post
Alright Well My name is Michael Williams. Currently 14 years old (15 in less than two months). I love gaming and I have a PS4 aswell as a sony laptop. I am in all honors classes and is taking honors geometry. Me on Toribash is currently gonna occur more frequently. I do have a full life of school, homework, Relationships, and etc. I have a skype which is: Swatmikey. I am also a rapper.

Toribash Life

I have played Toribash for about a year. I am a black belt 400 wins away from 2nd dan. I have been in 4-5 clans in this year. I have been in Nothar in which i felt was inactive so i left. But then i went to Burnt which had been small and unknown with leaders of no high expectations. I have also been clanless for a couple of months then I joined Ab which was good until the founder/leaders got in active and the second in command had ruined it for the majority to the point where others left including my friends. So I left went clanless for two weeks where i met up with apex in recruitment lobbies just to chill with them meet some players then i had been with them actively for a month and then was told after me being inactive that Vibe and Apex merged so I thus came here to apply. I do not have any alts. My main mods I play are Boxshu and Mushu. My secondary mods are Akido, judo, and lenshung. The reason I am needed in Vibe is the fact that I am active, I participate in game and out of game, I am experienced in war, I can be a good backbone in boxshu.

Thank you for reading and I hope that I can be accepted

Your forum activity it's NON-EXISTING!, no.

Originally Posted by MoldyRobot View Post
Hullo everyone! My name is Rylie, and Kyure recommended that I apply here. My other clans were Penta and Black_Ma. I left Penta because our time schedules were off and I was the only one on half the time. And most recently I left Black_Ma. The reasons (and believe me the s is there for a reason) I left Black_Ma are extensive. I'll slim it down to a few reasons. We had reports for my clan mates every day, including racist, bet rigging, and banning/kicking during active bets. Our forum page was lacking in intelligence, and quite frankly, we didn't feel like the "Familia" we promoted ourselves to be.

But, back to myself. My favorite mods are Boxshu and ABD, and I'm not too shabby at anything else (Except Pendulum Jumper T.T). I've recently tried my hand at sparring and parkour. I'm not Largkilla level by any means, but I'm getting there. Something I love to do is give my opponent an unfair advantage. Such as letting my arm get ripped off by a snapkick, or getting split in Judo. I just love the challenge of fighting unfairly. My belt is 3rd Dan, and I also have an alt for my bank. It's name is MoldyBank (Original, I know). It is a yellow belt and has some of my higher priced items.

My skype is Rylie Morrison, and my GMT is -5. I live right outside Chicago, and I am very active on the forums. I'm really hoping that this will be my new home, because ever since I joined TB, Vibe (as well as Nitro), have been the clans I look up to. I enjoy playing with (Vibe) players, and you're all quite skilled. I hope to bring my in-game skills, as well as my forum activity, and market success to a new home.


lalalalalalala yes.
Originally Posted by MoldyRobot View Post
Hullo everyone! My name is Rylie, and Kyure recommended that I apply here. My other clans were Penta and Black_Ma. I left Penta because our time schedules were off and I was the only one on half the time. And most recently I left Black_Ma. The reasons (and believe me the s is there for a reason) I left Black_Ma are extensive. I'll slim it down to a few reasons. We had reports for my clan mates every day, including racist, bet rigging, and banning/kicking during active bets. Our forum page was lacking in intelligence, and quite frankly, we didn't feel like the "Familia" we promoted ourselves to be.

But, back to myself. My favorite mods are Boxshu and ABD, and I'm not too shabby at anything else (Except Pendulum Jumper T.T). I've recently tried my hand at sparring and parkour. I'm not Largkilla level by any means, but I'm getting there. Something I love to do is give my opponent an unfair advantage. Such as letting my arm get ripped off by a snapkick, or getting split in Judo. I just love the challenge of fighting unfairly. My belt is 3rd Dan, and I also have an alt for my bank. It's name is MoldyBank (Original, I know). It is a yellow belt and has some of my higher priced items.

My skype is Rylie Morrison, and my GMT is -5. I live right outside Chicago, and I am very active on the forums. I'm really hoping that this will be my new home, because ever since I joined TB, Vibe (as well as Nitro), have been the clans I look up to. I enjoy playing with (Vibe) players, and you're all quite skilled. I hope to bring my in-game skills, as well as my forum activity, and market success to a new home.


First of all great app i enjoyed reading it.
I also am saw him ingame he is quite skilled and a very nice person
so i am gonna Vote yes on his app
Yes To Moldy.

King a word of the wise, maybe get some posts before applying, it will only help your chances.
Ok hello my name is Sarah and I am 17 my belt is brown belt and my alt is pocky fox. My favorite mods are Rkmma, Boxshumushu, Greykido,Taekkyon, and Aikido. I do not have any previous clans and the reason you need me is because I will put my 100% into this game I'm very active and will improve every day no matter what.
Originally Posted by xBulletz View Post
Ok hello my name is Sarah and I am 17 my belt is brown belt and my alt is pocky fox. My favorite mods are Rkmma, Boxshumushu, Greykido,Taekkyon, and Aikido. I do not have any previous clans and the reason you need me is because I will put my 100% into this game I'm very active and will improve every day no matter what.

Originally Posted by xBulletz View Post
Ok hello my name is Sarah and I am 17 my belt is brown belt and my alt is pocky fox. My favorite mods are Rkmma, Boxshumushu, Greykido,Taekkyon, and Aikido. I do not have any previous clans and the reason you need me is because I will put my 100% into this game I'm very active and will improve every day no matter what.

You're free to try to make an application again, but currently it's too short. You have some requirements but it lacks substance. It's hardly freeform if you just went down the list of req's and typed them one after another.

No for me.
Last edited by Gbleek; Oct 13, 2015 at 08:07 AM.
About me:
HI THERE! YEAH, YOU, COME OVER! I'm prodigames in this game called toribash, But in the magical world of real life, my name is A.j. I'm 13 and i love to have fun, But do not argue with me with me about something that is utterly stupid or we'll have a little fun (hehehehehe~). A part of my life was a sob story. I try not to get too into it, but alot of child abuse, bullying, and just pushing down my personality. When I came to live with my other side of my family, I came to be the fun, caring, anime and game loving person that is me. I live in america and was raised for the most part in new york(ALL MY NEW YORKERS WHADDUP) but I now live in georgia. my GMT is -5 and as i just said, america babeh. I'd say my favorite things are dancing, Taekwondo, And now acting seeing as i'll be acting on stage very soon. My strong points i'd have to say is communication as I make friends with people very easily and i have some experience in the ancient art of filmmaking(video's and what not). If you would like to talk to me on skype, my name is prodigames, and no, not the french one.

(Toribash things)

My main is prodigames And I'm a 3rd dan. my strong suits competitively are the kido's(greykido, ABD, and aikido) but if i'm just chilling, you'll most likely find me in mushu or boxshu public, maybe ninjutsu since its a mod i'm practicing to get better at. I'm hooked on youtube, and one day, one of the youtuber's o frequent happened to play a game...... a game by the name of toribash! i feel in love with this game, so you can only imagine the first game I got when I got a labtop. I was a little irked that I wasn't as fluent as some other people i saw, but I learned that in this game, even if a belt may not mean how good you are, it definitely means experience. My clan history is short and simple. My first clan was tmc or the miss clickers. I mainly joined because, well, its every beginner's dream to get in a clan, at least, it was for me. I ended my relationship with that clan because I realized things were going no where, as even the clans own leader was very much so inactive. My second clan was MAU. My relationship ended with this clan because of a false report, causing me to be banned. A thing about this clan is that you need to stay forum active, but seeing as I was banned i couldn't so I was kicked. I could've reapplyed, seeing as I played a important role(war lord) in the clan, but what happened, at the very leat to me, was messed up so i decided not to. My alts are prodigams2, 3, and 4 (yeah, i know, very creative). If I were to join your clan, You would be gaining a player who's good in the mods most used for competitive and a video maker. Also, i do not know why but it says i've only made one post. I've made about 20 or more posts on forums and I will be forum active( i pay most attention to forums when in a clan) , But i just wanted to say that seeing as it has not counted my previous posts. thats about it, hmph, well, I think you'll have fun reading this monster XD. whether i'm admitted or not, have a nice day