Bish please, I live in Australia.
Average temperature of 26 degrees C almost every damn day.
Winter here is still warm as fuck, but it tends to rain a lot more in Winter than in Summer.
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
Bish please, I live in Australia.
Average temperature of 26 degrees C almost every damn day.
Winter here is still warm as fuck, but it tends to rain a lot more in Winter than in Summer.

You lucky little shit >:C , every day sun is good , but you have snake's everywhere and here in belgium we have 80% green XD
haha , anyway , i just got fat rain , it looked like ice but it was so fat rain . I am tired of tb today , i wanna chat about music now.
Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
You lucky little shit >:C , every day sun is good , but you have snake's everywhere and here in belgium we have 80% green XD

Bitch please, all you have to do to not get noticed by a snake is stand still.

You go anywhere near a kangaroo, you're most or less fucked.
And then there's Drop Bears...