hehe fightback in france :P
have a nice trip/holiday
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
btw i made my first script today morning (portugal gmt)
it just shows the winner everytime you press "," xD

heres the source code
--credits to yoyo2009

echo("Press '','' to load Score.lua.")
function playerscore(key)

Player0 = get_player_info(0).name
Player1 = get_player_info(1).name
player0_score = get_player_info(0).injury
player1_score = get_player_info(1).injury

if (key==string.byte(",")) then
if (player0_score > player1_score) then
	echo(Player1 .. " is Winning!!")
elseif (player1_score > player0_score) then
	echo(Player0 .. " is Winning!!")
add_hook ("key_down", "keypressdown", playerscore)
and download it if you wanna xD

yoyo2009 helped me to remove a bug the script had ^^
Attached Files
score.lua (583 Bytes, 6 views)
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL

awesome exrun ^^ i like the script then i dont need to count the nubers

EDIT: cant give you a +rep atm xd
hehe thanks frett ^^

made a new script
i was tired everytime i wanted to spar in my fav mod (matrixlobby) to have to write every single setting over and over...
so i made this script ^^

--This script just quicly loads sparring settings for matrixlobby mod.
--if some settings don't load just press "," 1-2 more times and it will load every setting.

echo("press '','' to load matrixlobby with sparring settings")
echo("Tip: press 2-3 times to load every setting")

local function settings(key)
	if (key==string.byte(",")) then
		run_cmd ("se mod matrixlobby.tbm")
		run_cmd ("se ed 1000")
		run_cmd ("se gravity 0.00 0.00 -30")
		run_cmd ("se mf 1500")
		run_cmd ("se dismemberment 0")
		run_cmd ("se dq 0")
		run_cmd ("reset")
		echo("enjoy sparring in the great matrixlobby mod")

add_hook ("key_down" , "keypressdown", settings)
Attached Files
matrixlobby.lua (733 Bytes, 4 views)
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
i still have to improve it a bit with yoyo2009 to work properly in mp
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL