I think if you guys want to post replay, I suggest you going to the replay thread...just saying. Im not saying you cant post replays, but that's why they have a replay thread, and not every here want to watch the replays. Go make a WarHead replay thread.

I seen the new update for the dsc Dime I kind of like it better, but I think their should be a spoiler on it. Its what ever though.
And we are almost up to 100 pages = 1000 post so good job on that I guess.
Void im not sayin post replays here just to post them. Me and ago came up with a cool idea to put 3 of your best replays next to your name in the roster for EVERY member. So posting here seemed to me the best idea. I wont watch them either probably unless one day i am bored this is just because it seemed like a cool idea no one else is really doing it. Also this is kinda required ill allow multiplayer replays if you have no single player replays. I just need 3 replays from every member Posted here attatched to a quality post. Perhaps we can get a clan video made when everyone posts their replays.
Hm my replays are not the best. I just started making them and I don't work on them too often. I'll try to make more, I'm still working on a few things in them so hopefully they should be better. So I may not have my replays up for a day or so, sorry.
Oh my I just changed nick on my irc account and I lost op everywhere.
Dimebag and ago you need to op me on #warhead and #fran again
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]

Let me know the new nick and I will aop again :v
Just got back from school, morning and afternoon today ;-;
I see nobody has posted replays today, makes me cry. Also, I feel like doing a war later, do you feel the same?
[21:19] <@Arctic> n sei pq o ed foi tirar o pinto mano
como pinto no almoço
I always feel like doing wars! so yea man im down. Also seriously guys post some dang replays, I feel silly with me and ago being the only ones with replays.

EDIT well i guess we will just make the replays optional that way if you got a good replay some time in the future we can display it. instead of posting replays that suck because its a required thing. So anyway please post the replays if you got some good ones otherwise dont worry about it or you can make some good ones its up to you but its now optional so dont sweat it. ALSO the clan video thing would be cool if you guys are up for it so i do encourage you making some nice replays but its up to you guys. And if you want to just post 1 replay that is fine as well i dont care how many replays you want on the thread just no more than 3 because it clutters the roster.
Last edited by DimeBag77; Feb 26, 2014 at 10:55 PM.
Okay heres my 3 replays, im kind of a beginner so they arent great, but i am working on my replays and hopefully soon they will get much better and maybe i can replace these for different ones? Anyway here they are:
Attached Files
#Budsi Isolated.rpl (91.0 KB, 15 views)
#Budsi Thats it.rpl (191.7 KB, 11 views)
#Budsi Madness.rpl (82.7 KB, 16 views)
We (me and dime) will be doing a warhead tourney today I guess, soon, prizes will be 20k/10k and we need another 10k for global.
I see Noel bitching that he didn't take part on the tourney soon
[21:19] <@Arctic> n sei pq o ed foi tirar o pinto mano
como pinto no almoço
jo WarTourney im about to pay for global the prizes will be 25k, and 10k actually and im still trying to figure out what the mod will be.

Got the mod figured out we are doing Greykido but doin some switch ups in the settings as the tournamet progresses with 10 players left we will do something interesting and in the semi finals we will do something even more interesting.
Last edited by DimeBag77; Feb 27, 2014 at 12:27 AM.
Well this was a fine tourney we had some mod fixing so we can make it harder and more fun one of them was a game rule I made sort of runkido and greykido and the other one was rotation of 180 pretty fun tourney 1st place was Tomwanks 2nd is Kristis133