His role isn't really to do damage. Just build wriggles lantern, aegis, ga, sightstone, Warmogs, and tabi/mercs. Just interrupt their jungle, and get kills with the help of your team
Yeah, this is NA I'm talking about. Dunno how it is in EUW. I'll find out tomorrow when I play with chuckninja and a couple other people, lol.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by m0nk3y8 View Post
This has been happening to me and my brother alot, he gets dc'd, I lag to hell. (NA)

I've been playing trundle and I really like him, strong jungle, you can't run from him. But I can't help but feel he doesn't do much damage.

I build frozen mallet warmogs atmas and infinity edge. (mostly because you have to stack bloodthirster(which I get later), and IE is almost as strong without being stacked, has crit chance (like atmas) and does more crit damage)
Boots are situational, tabi if their ad is fed, mercurys if they have alot of cc, beserkers if they all only tickle me by the time I buy buy stronger boots.
Any tips for a trundle build?

If you want more damage get a trinity, he can abuse the sheen proc really well. The new Black Cleaver should be good on him as well. Atmogs is pretty meh at the the moment, too expensive for what it gives. Sham is right though, you want to build pretty tanky so Aegis, Randuins, Frozen Heart are all good as well. And wits end.
Hurdurr, forgot about aegis.
Whenever I play Nasus I always get aegis.

Wierd, whenever I play Nasus, we dominate in teamfights. WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS FOCUS NASUS? I guess his ult just makes him stand out?

Anyways thanks for the build tips, I'll try them out next match.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
ohmahgawd i really love katarina, why did i stop playing her D:

picked her into a team of (this is theirs) amumu, ziggz, yorick, taric, sivir

still goes 15/8 while going man-mode in the whole thing
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post

Warmogs > Black Cleavers

does someone mind telling me why that ezreal has ravenous hydra? <.<

also lol'd everyone on your team with homeguard boots. GGGGGG
Last edited by laststand; Dec 13, 2012 at 11:51 AM.
I'm a fucking professional!