welp it's a dark rainny firday here, I am better from my flu but still I will miss pe, what a pitty (sarcasm lmao)
today is cold,not likely a few past weeks ago,but still.
the good thing of cold is because you can use LOTS of blankets.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Being in a different timezone, my friday just ended.

I went over to my friends house yesterday, and proceeded to celebrate that i had just completed my physics test. And in typical Upp fashion, this involved that good old liquid courage. I slept at my friends house, and when i woke up, i discovered i had about two shots of vodka, and a shot of gin left, so i downed them at about eight in the morning. This made me feel much better about going to school.
This day we saw some random ass film, and then we had a discussion about it, so it was quite a soft day.

I am glad i took those shots before i webt with my class and saw the movie, because it was boring as shit.

That's my friday.
I had 2 hours of literature, you know my teacher is kinda like those women upp hates, a bit too indie, a bit too hipster, and a bit too anti-usa(tho not so much lately, she is starting to be a bit more ok about it) like some ppl here (who love way too much latinamerican culture).
Lmao also I played some tb after school today.
haha well i get bored in school but when i have art (drawing) the whole entire class start to troll the proffesor he is soard of like a nerd we laugh a lot
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
Man, fuck the USA. The only thing they got going for them is their military, and the is an an antiquated institution since the arrival of the atomic bomb.
Their economy is kind of good, but i doubt it will last for much longer, seeing states like germany rsing up with incredible speed.
Their people are dumb, and half of them can't afford to pay their taxes. This is a third world country, ladies and gentlemen, and it should be denounced by everyone.
Oxide and his prime minister is attacking me and my country . Someone plz help. no jk he'll lose ez pz. No but seriously tho, i haven't researched yet but i have heard that war between Pakistan(me :|) and India(Oxide >.< ) has started.. god darn it oxide. Oh well whatever, let's war in TB instead.
Aye shit get's real quite often indeed.

Idk why but today I feel like watching bravehearth, you know that movie where Mel Gibson is William Wallace