Originally Posted by kill828 View Post
Me and seasick are actually working on a new event that will be hosted every 1-2 weeks. We will have it start tomorrow. It will be based on the idea of attracting people into misc-skills like textturing, video making, replay making, ect.

Ah. That's cool. I'm helping out 2 guys that wanted me to be their "teacher" because I was wrecking to Judofrac. So, I'm in a private server with them just trying to walk them through moves to help them get better
Edit: I'll be getting it not today, but tomorrow because it will take 71 wins and I will be doing somthing in a few. But I will get this!
Last edited by fl0yd218; Nov 12, 2013 at 12:45 AM.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm not here to others, or that I'm being pushed down. But they can't stop me from getting back up.
Server is up! /jo EssM!
"Everything is worth a shot. Even a blind dog gets a bone every once in a while." And also... [Essence] ^^
Originally Posted by fl0yd218 View Post
Ah. That's cool. I'm helping out 2 guys that wanted me to be their "teacher" because I was wrecking to Judofrac. So, I'm in a private server with them just trying to walk them through moves to help them get better
Edit: I'll be getting it not today, but tomorrow because it will take 71 wins and I will be doing somthing in a few. But I will get this!

Don't worry Fl0yd! You'll get this... And if Kill finds you... Well i'll be there to protect you... I PROMISE!
Last edited by violence55; Nov 12, 2013 at 05:05 PM.
"One day... I wanted to LOOK at the Shadow... From really close.. Now.. I AM the Shadow."
Originally Posted by violence55 View Post
Don't worry Fl0yd! You'll get this... And if Kill finds you... Well i'll be there to protect you... I PROMISE!

Ty. And a quick update, my internet is down again. Idk when it'll be back up
Sometimes, I feel like I'm not here to others, or that I'm being pushed down. But they can't stop me from getting back up.
Originally Posted by kill828 View Post
If you dont get 1000k QI, i will find you... and it will hurt...
consider that an incentive

Now now, no scaring people off there kill.

Originally Posted by kill828 View Post
Me and seasick are actually working on a new event that will be hosted every 1-2 weeks. We will have it start tomorrow. It will be based on the idea of attracting people into misc-skills like textturing, video making, replay making, ect.

We should composite a list of tutorials or possibly create ones to aid those.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by seasickazn View Post
Server is up! /jo EssM!

... one day later... is it still up? XD
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.

What this is:

This is an event hosted for Ess-M and Essence members in hopes that they will learn and appreciate new skills. It will be ran every 1-2 weeks as of now. This is purely for fun, it is not mandatory, there is no prize. We think that if members participate in this event they will become more active, more inspired, and in some ways, more talented. We encourage any and ALL members to participate. Good friends of Essence have the right to participate as well. We will ask for a specific media, a specific theme, a specific size if relevant, and some other factors, and participants have to make said media within the constraints provided.


How it will be ran:
At the end of the event period (will be 5-12 days after the initial post based off decided length of event) the judges (Kil828, (potentially seasick), and one other(looking for someone) will discuss who IMPROVED the most from their last attempt at the media we will be requesting. Yes, we are basing the "victors" off of how much they improved! Victors will be show cased in a post, and in a spoiler at the bottom of all future posts of this event! We will explain how participants new to said field of media will participate, along with people accustomed to the field later in the post.

Note: You will not be show cased twice in a row unless there are a lack of other participants


To submit your attempt, provide a link/image of your attempt and then pm me or if specified, one of the other judges.
For players new to the media asked for, you only need to state that you are new to the media, and we we will assume you have NO experience with it and judge your improvement based off that.

For players accustomed to the media, just post a link to a previous work (most recent preferably), and we will base your improvement off of that. If you have participated in the event before, we will base the improvement off of your last submission.

Note: It is understandable that more experienced people will improve slightly slower potentially, we will account for this, but please remember that this is designed more for newbies.

This weeks event:
Media: Textures
Location: head
Size: Any
Theme: Insanity

Well this is the first event we have hosted, good luck, i hope many people participate as this will decide if this happens again. Remember, this is for fun, and to improve yourself. So even if you think it looks bad, its still awesome that your showed us your work = ) !
Last edited by kill828; Nov 13, 2013 at 01:19 PM.
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.
Originally Posted by bupep View Post
Soz bout not being on yesterday,my net died..

Weird. Mine was too! But mine was from not getting it paid on time. 2 Months behind on payment
Sometimes, I feel like I'm not here to others, or that I'm being pushed down. But they can't stop me from getting back up.
Hosting a server currently as seasick had to go off. /jo Essm
I also want to remind people of the event on the previous page, Its not about skill its about improving and trying new things. You should atleast try it for fun.
Last edited by kill828; Nov 14, 2013 at 04:55 AM.
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.