He's a pretty neat guy.

I liked this one more, though

Anyways, can't get enough sleep. That's really odd...
Will try to find the limit where I actually feel well slept.
So, good night, I guess.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc

Originally Posted by kindlebob
Kira would like to be clan allies with NAO. If that is alright with you?

Should we?
<~Arthur> Moslims go around exploding people
Summer sucked in my opinion. Some of my family went on trips, and forgot about me.
So when they came back, I got all in their face raising the guilt from hell in.

Originally Posted by kindlebob
ally request

umm sure

damn the ally list should totally be cleaned from the non-existent
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
I dislike Summer.
My mum makes me go outside and go swimming in Summer.

I fucking hate swimming.

But when its winter you can't ride in ice , and you have cold .