Teague, don't give it a second thought, I've been there myself, best way is to get it all out, sorry to hear that.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

I don't know if it'll help you, but it managed to help me through a similar situation.

Physicist speech

There's no shame in letting go once in a while, there's moments when even the toughest of us start to show a few cracks. Best thing I can say is to keep your chin up. Go see him, even if it's for a short while, but do it for him and yourself. I can definitely understand why you don't want to see him like this, but in my experience, it's better to see them while you can, rather than to regret not going later.

Most importantly, do what you feel is right. Ignore all of this if it helps. Do it your own way, take comfort from those around you, whatever's better for you.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Originally Posted by teague19 View Post
So guys this is hard for me but i may not be around too much, schools starting things are getting busy, but that isnt what worries me the most.

My grandfather has just been sent home on hospice, for those who do not know thats for a client they are expecting to live less then 6 months.

i recently went home and saw him and it was the hardest thing to do. he had such a happy face when he saw me cuz he wants to see me so bad but he knows hes going to die. i just dont understand how he can be so happy when he knows this and my gram is so stressed out and they want me home but i just dont know if i can do it, and i feel so guilty cuz he wants to see me so bad but i dont want to see him like that and i feel like i should be there to support my gram but i dont know how. this is the first time someone this close to me will be passing away an i just dont know how to deal with it guys so ill do my best to try and make it through and i hope you guys do your best Aikido will be gone aswell the day my O-team training starts so EJM is the big man if i get any reports from him that will be considered unessicary cuz he has full power to punish you ill check as much as i can sorry guys.

P.S. now i feel like a bitch/pussy/nerd for crying while trying a toribash forum post.

we all cried , i cried when i made that "im gone guys thread" and i know some of u did to, it was so touchy, we undertand, at least i do, if someone close is parting, just take ur time, and be sure to pass tru the stages, and be calm and if u want to share ur grief with others that know how it works