Awww...well have a good vacation from toribash, Miji. We'll miss you.

Hoping to get a Drwaing tablet and a 3DS with KH: 3d for my B-day/Christams.

I got a gig as a DJ for a 4 hour winter dance this Friday. Gonna be playing songs, remix's and my own music as well. Wish me luck.

P.S. Could you guys possibly promote me and my youtube/facebook/Twitter....etc. pages? It would help out alot.
Last edited by bbush; Dec 3, 2012 at 04:51 AM.
Originally Posted by bbush View Post
Awww...well have a good vacation from toribash, Miji. We'll miss you.

Hoping to get a Drwaing tablet and a 3DS with KH: 3d for my B-day/Christams.

I got a gig as a DJ for a 4 hour winter dance this Friday. Gonna be playing songs, remix's and my own music as well. Wish me luck.

P.S. Could you guys possibly promote me and my youtube/facebook/Twitter....etc. pages? It would help out alot.

Ill try my best to promote. any ideas on how to get the word out?
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Happy little vacation from TB Mj.
We'll miss you.

And well what i know that i will get for christmas is a new TV. Finally.
I have really old shitty TV.

New one is 27" Full hd Led.
And a new mouse. Cyborg M.M.O 7 <-- Google if you wanna know.

Btw anyone planned to get ingame?

Clan named swag.

I give up on this community
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Yeah...I see so many clans these days that are just a joke...Seriously they need to make it you have too pay to get a clan...Sick of people just making a thread and not doing anything....Fucking over it..
Rythm smells like Cheese
Zap', that mouse looks mental, literally, it does, I have no idea how you would operate
that thing... I prefer, good ol' microsoft mouses. :3

Mj, I'm gonna' miss ya'. :*

Jeww, I get your feeling man, I also hate, plain stupid clans, wit' names like; ,,Suprise MADAFAKA'' I mean... Really??

What I, is getting for christmas, is an average christmas present. A 'Wacom Bamboo
Special Edition' and possibly Far Cry 3. Also going to buy something for my mum,
and get a 4gb pendrive for my uncle.

Also, what do you guys think of the new Far Cry 3? I think it's the best fps game that
was released this year. Great breakthrough from them 'cod' games, you can see that
in the gameplays. Eh?
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
Clan named swag.

I give up on this community

I saw this too...

I hate these jokes...

Clans should cost like 25k-50k to make so there wouldn't be any jokes.

And Metriakon.

I used that mouse on one event thingy and it felt really good.
And you can customize it damn lot.

EDIT: Forgot to say that i've played Far cry 3 decent amount of time and it feels really good. I surprised because i really
didn't like far cry 2 but this is so much better. It is worth to buy.
Last edited by Zapekk; Dec 3, 2012 at 08:14 AM.

Avengd, I was in the lobby when they made it.

I was like "Make me leader!!!!" As a joke.

It was pretty funny to see it being created though. I almost died of laughter.

Best Laugh

Swag? Come on, that's so stupid.
A lot of the noobs have no creativity anymore.

Here's one that I found funny. X clan. that's all it is.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Lol I'm the reason it's name is SWAG x) Ave and Prox know. The leaders are PlataBear(Nick:Walrus), Akufuncture A.K.A OoFresh, and g1rl. So I said name it W.A.G or W.G.A(walrus,aku, g1rl) and then as a joke I said hey you could add me and call it SWAG(spart ,walrus, aku, g1rl). On another note that is less likely to get me shunned, I. Expect to see you on the 1st of the year Mj ...if we make it that is, silly Mayan's.

O ya and you know the bank account I made inferno, well it turns out I am a legit marketeer I have made exactly 12k in the past 2 days from marketing only so now staring from 1.3k I'm up to 13.3k and some nice items. Plus I made 2.5k from tourneys on this accousnt which means in less then a week I'll finally have a full 128 yesh :3
Last edited by Grim; Dec 3, 2012 at 10:37 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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