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Nike is teh smex

Edit: lol pic is bigger than I thought, I can't be bothered resizing it so you'll all just need to deal with it and really take in the epicness
Last edited by Nikelaos; Jan 3, 2010 at 05:38 PM.
Ass is a common ghetto suffix
Originally Posted by Nikelaos View Post
Nike is teh smex

Exhibit A. captured on a picture.

We can observe here a talented boy, activating, with a slight tilt of his head, his power of inhaling all the fractals around him, with the gills placed at the back of his head, and allowing the breathing processes to take place, which result in emitting a powerful dose of sephia smex radiation.

The photographer certainly had a boner, and we would have it as well, for a long time still to come.

Thank you, tour.

Now let's go and see the exhibit B.
Last edited by Sahee; Jan 3, 2010 at 11:46 PM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"

Exhibit B, shown in the above image

This exhibit displays the noble wisent, also known as the European Bison or Sahee. Though having very few natural predators, these majestic creatures were pushed to near extinction due to being hunted excessively for their valuable fur and horns, and being targeted as a source of food for Nazi troops during the invasion of Poland.

Contemporary Sahee can be found in the harsh, untamed forests of Poland and are substantially more dangerous than their predecesors. A fully grown Sahee can reach 2000lbs in weight and yet is still the fastest and most agile creature in it's forest home.

As the undisputed kings of the Polish wild, the Sahee rule their homeland (and formerly some other lands such as Belarus and RelaxAll) with an iron hoof and are to be feared by any that confront one.

If noone has any questions, allow us to proceed to Exhibit C
Ass is a common ghetto suffix
Not even near as epic as you brain, Nike. You're genius,
and you keep reminding me that, when we interact. ...
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
/invade /fuckin rage

WTF is wrong with being black?

end/invade end/if this is talkin down on black folks fuck you
Im a squirrel and I'm so awesome that my friend bought me Toriprime.
Originally Posted by Squirre1 View Post
/invade /fuckin rage

WTF is wrong with being black?

end/invade end/if this is talkin down on black folks fuck you

After looking at your sig, I find it ironic that you just said that. also noone said anything was wrong with being black. Though I can see how you could possibly get upset, I don't believe anyone here meant any harm.
Last edited by Nikelaos; Jan 4, 2010 at 01:11 AM.
Ass is a common ghetto suffix
He did it for shock and comedy purposes I guess, knowing full-well that there's some popular mindset (or was) that our blacker folk is somehow, abstractly speaking, lower in status.
Now, before you shred me to pieces, understand, this was reckless and childish behaviour that is encouraged in this place, since it's a raging teenager's world-wide multiplayer game, that somehow condones "lol" "fag" "gay" as a perfectly good way to speak out one's mind.
Shortcuts of thought, even totally dumb and insulting (whether for the recipient, or
for the speaker himself - as such talk deems him - besides being "cool" - also a totally dumb kid... as it seems a dumb fucking kitten with no thoughts is supposed to be a raw model for "teh" youth [by the way notice how all that stuff uses three letters max... do four letter words require too much processing power for them to muster?! >.>]
... and ... where was I?

Fuck, harl is just using this mechanics. for show, comedy and "shock" purposes. I don't think he tried hard enough to use this opportunity to express his ideology, and if he did manage to do that, it wouldn't be it.

So yea, don't worry. It's a schoolyard, mainstream, dumb-kitten, gay [and yes I'll get one raging person probably for that word too] talk.

Not spreading of racism propaganda.

Anyway, yea, I agree. I was suspicious of the effects of naming a thread in such a way as well, but hoped for people not to be too tense, to forget it's a game, and one can say a stupid thing, even if he doesn't mean it to it's full length...


ok? ;) or will you rape me now?
You know... I don't mind blacks, but I'm really jealous of your stereotypical big d*cks... [the end just to loosen up the mood. don't rape me please.]
Last edited by Sahee; Jan 4, 2010 at 02:23 AM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
I<3 Nikelaos...
here's some quote. It's longer than "lol" or "fag", but if you manage to keep you interested for so long as to read it, you might possibly get something out of it, or a term to google, by yourself... (I mean the "discordia" here mainly)


"terrorism is an act of using government methods, while not being a member of the government"
*good one, eh? ;p
Nikelaos says:
*it is
Sahee says:
*just thought it up.
Nikelaos says:
*that reminded me of something actually
Sahee says:
*well go ahead
Nikelaos says:
*the catholic church has something called, the 'just war theory' , under this theory one of the conditions of a 'just war' is that the war may only be instigated by a 'constituted public authority' (aka the government)
Sahee says:
*heh funny.
Nikelaos says:
*just one of many pieces of crap to come out of religion it seems
Sahee says:
*and thus leaving the opressed with no means - if one was to adhere to chuch's ways too much - to defend themselves.
Nikelaos says:
*it also states that a war cannot be just if you do not have a certain level of certain that you may win
Sahee says:
Nikelaos says:
Sahee says:
*well there might be something to it.
Nikelaos says:
*I've described ti slightly off, but basicly if you don't think you can eliminate the opposition comfortably with minimal loses, the war is not just
*which again seems to be on the side of the oppressors already in power
Sahee says:
*yea, as christianity promotes order.
*acceptance of the Earthly uncoveniences.
*no wonder, as THEY are here high in power as well.
*the status quo, of them having sheep trained to feel that being a sheep is the only good way of thinking and behaving,
*and given examples that going to slaughter is a godly deed...
*well they can both fuck off ;P
*sheep and the "shepherds"
*don't you think? ;)
Nikelaos says:
*as much as I believe that some level of order is necesarry, taking it to this level is (ironically) madness
Sahee says:
*yea, if it gets too much order the clock mechanism ceases to work.
*change is my preferable method of making life interesting, but normally, even "sane" people need their life "move" to really live...
*certain parts of their life.
*enough order to feel safe, but keep some parts of their life to move enough for them not to feel too stale. like a sheep.
Nikelaos says:
*yeah a fine balance needs to be met
*but right now the levels of order/chaos aren't spread so evenly, in some places too much order is holding back human life, whereas in others you got the war and shit as a result of what's needed to maintain that order
Sahee says:
*yea, as discordianism says, order and disorder are parts of bigger chaos
Nikelaos says:
*I like this religion, it seems pretty indy punk, aswell as kind of making sense but not making
Sahee says:
*let me look for a quote
*ok got it
*it says "all statements are true in some sense,
*false in some sense,
*meaningless in some sense
*true and false in some sense,
*true and meaningless in some sense
*and true and false and meaningless in some sense
*end of quote ;p
*thus teachings of principia discordia are true in some sense,
*false in some sense...
Nikelaos says:
*there seems there could be some flaws in that however
*"I weigh less than Johnny Vegas"
*I can see the truth and meaninglessness in that sttement
*but false...
*though I guess if you don't take it so literally
Sahee says:
*oh it's not to be taken literaly, not all at once,
*it just says that there are many points of view.
Nikelaos says:
Sahee says:
*just like with "the reality is original Rorschach" theory.
*damn I wanted to quote our convo on the forums
*but the amazingness of it spreads too long for their short attention spans, I guess...
Last edited by Sahee; Jan 4, 2010 at 03:13 AM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"