The game has always been like that. People just hate changes and after a month they won't be able to live without the changes. The only issue is that the shop gives me lag. It reduces my fps when ever I open it and somehow in teamfights my fps drop to 5 from time to time. My classmate had the same issue.

Also I finally got ad carry role. I had to go jungle or solo top all the time because people are whiny and refuse to cooperate. I was playing with Varus and my classmate with Blitz. He couldn't land a single grab so we could have dominated bot lane more. We won over bot though. Had to carry the game.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I'm refusing to play any more regular games until this shit settles down. Too many retard builds and stupid unbalances.

Why not? It's fun. It's not like normals matter in the long run anyway.
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
Shut up Mr EU.
You guys have far less retards than NA.

Not true. At least they speak English. I have to quit every 2 games in champion select cause of insta-lockers. When I started playing ranked normal games aren't the same anymore. People just insta-lock and never use the chat box. Or the server is full of stubborn assholes who can't share lanes. When ever you get a team who cooperates you know that you have won the game instantly. When ever you make a mistake they report you. When ever they disagree they report you and spam the chat. The server is full of trolls. You can spot them by nickname and behavior. Just premades who speak in their native language and flame you or any other teammates. And the good players are assholes too. "gg easy noobs", that sentence just irritates me so much. I just report those people right away. Cause it is a case where you can get warned when you say that sentance. They also flame you for being a better player, every kill belongs to them and what not. Also leavers. Every 5 games there are people who quit in my team. Even in ranked. In NA server there is more competetive players and matches. Maybe there are some trolls but it definately isn't worse than Nordic East.
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
If you keep getting matched with retards against semi-competent players, eventually you'll get matched with the semi-competent players against retards.

I've been getting lucky queuing with people that know somewhat what to do.

I've been duoing with my cousin because he wants his elo up. He's around 1190 and I'm at 1350. And we do fine together because I've usually been smashing people with rumble lately. Cept last game, Irelia vs Rumble doesn't go too well. Farmfest and boring shit. She was too hp/tanky to die and top lane was just a stalemate or favoring her side a little.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Why not? It's fun. It's not like normals matter in the long run anyway.

I'd actually kinda agree. Since all these new items..
Many new builds.. Not normal really.
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
The game has always been like that. People just hate changes and after a month they won't be able to live without the changes. The only issue is that the shop gives me lag. It reduces my fps when ever I open it and somehow in teamfights my fps drop to 5 from time to time. My classmate had the same issue.

Well, for me, it's faster to buy items now. And I laugh at people telling me that these new items are weird AND THEY NOW DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY because everything changed.

Bullshit. :3

Ube, we can speak up tomorrow and play some duos. I really would like to move on from 1285. Of course, to higher values. I will be online from 07:00 to about 11:30 GMT+1, so if You will have time then, meet me ingame.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
You guys are pussies. Just carry your games, that's what i've been attempting. Just remember bruisers are OP now.

I've been playing kha, panth and Jax mid with great success

Wanna tell me about carrying a game where enemy team has 15/0/7 free farm Vayne? Yeah, you don't.

And I was fairly well fed Jax. Something like 3/0/1 and second most farm in the game. Yup, you guessed it, Vayne had most.
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
Wanna tell me about carrying a game where enemy team has 15/0/7 free farm Vayne? Yeah, you don't.

And I was fairly well fed Jax. Something like 3/0/1 and second most farm in the game. Yup, you guessed it, Vayne had most.

The most successful ways I have seen to shut down vayne are a jarvan ult, rengar being rengar, or a full talon/akali combo.
Buy TC for a great price here!
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Hey look more than two lines.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
The most successful ways I have seen to shut down vayne are a jarvan ult, rengar being rengar, or a full talon/akali combo.

The great thing about akali is that 1v1 fights pretty much revolve around her. She can engage/disengage almost whenever she wants.

>She's not winning, smoke cloud and juke/sit
95% of the time, they aren't going to catch you when you can sit invisible for like 8 seconds, or just grab the move speed, and the slow on the enemy.