Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
You know that feel when you rofl stomp so hard you only need to show up in lane for 2 seconds to get a kill?

Yup, fucking love my balls.

were you playing nautalis again?

(btw i'm fucking tired so don't expect proper spellings...)
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
You know that feel when you rofl stomp so hard you only need to show up in lane for 2 seconds to get a kill?

Yup, fucking love my balls.

Syndra's burst is pretty strong.
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
100 wins over losses

My W/L spread dropped to like 50 I think. I just stopped trying in normals :P
Originally Posted by laststand View Post
if no one on the enemy team is building armor they're doing something horribly wrong. and also just the base armor people get after levels add up after a while so everyone usually has atleast 70-80 armor, even at this point you get more out of a last whisper than you do of a 2nd bloodthirster and this only increases the more armor they get.

oh yeah dude it's so useless. it only gives a 2nd life and 68 arm, and 38mr. Also if theyre focusing you in a fight first and your GA pops they're not gonna sit around you and wait till you respawn. If they do the rest of your team just gets free hits on them.

Maw of Malmortius is so far away from cost efficient it's not even funny. qss and ga are better in every single way.

Frozen mallet is so situational it's hardly ever worth to buy as an adc, same shit with warmogs(as an example i know it wasn't mentioned).

Well there are some dumb people in LoL who don't build armor when there is a carry in their team. I like replacing Last whisper with Black cleaver too. But it is situational. You can live without Last whisper too as it only grants armor penetration and damage.

Well you are the ad carry. That means you have to dish out most of the damage in the team fight. So while you are respawning they can kill some of your teammates or push them away. All they have to do is leave the other AD carry by you. They are horrible if they just sit around and wait. Just stay near and fight with others. If your team if full of shit champions who need to use 1 skill to table turn the whole teamfight maybe then it is worth it but mostly everyone will back off and not risk it. And it has a long cooldown. So you can get in on a cooldown with a single gank or while running from a lost teamfight. And there is a small chance that you will save yourself. Especially with Varus. I was talking about Varus the whole time. If it would be any other champion then the item would pay off big time.

I included Maw of Malmortius if there are high damage AP champs in opposing team. Works well in late game. It gives some damage and magic resist. + the shield. It can save you so many times. It costs a lot but in late game farming goes really fast. Also Quicksilver sash isn't that good when there aren't many cc in the opposing team. So I rather choose Maw of Malmortius and Banshee's veil to completely counter AP champions. Then you have a decent amount of damage and magic resist. That is what works for me the best.
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
I like replacing Last whisper with Black cleaver too. But it is situational.

you have to be kidding me.... black cleaver is not good on any champions at all. it is quite practically useless after 25 minutes.

black cleaver gives 45armor reduction over 3 attacks.
last whisper gives constanst 40%

not to mention Last whisper being cheaper and you actually have to attack 3 times to apply the armor pen on black cleaver.

this resulting in that Last Whisper being better in any situation
I'm a fucking professional!
just jungled morde because whole team did random picks.

out CS'd everyone until about 15 mins in, did nothing but farm. Long story short we were THIS close to winning. But late game trist ;~;. Hippybob can give details if he wants.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by Ed View Post
just jungled morde because whole team did random picks.

out CS'd everyone until about 15 mins in, did nothing but farm. Long story short we were THIS close to winning. But late game trist ;~;. Hippybob can give details if he wants.

Me, Ryze and Ed did everything. I made all the plays, all the calls, then after we got inhib, people started ignoring my calls for dragon and our toplane threw the game.

We were Ryze Sona bot, I zoned Leona and Trist(they were sooooo bad) and killed them a few times, enemy jungler camped bot, mid lost lane, top won lane and fed somehow.

Had the most gold as bruiser support :>
Last edited by Hippybob; Dec 3, 2012 at 07:09 PM.