Lol best nickname ever. Anyways Family seems like a really cool clan, well really cool family. Even has a kitten and an ex kitten. o.o Look forward to meeting the rest maybe :/
Originally Posted by pal
cham you smell

The amount of emotion attached to this sentence made me cry :')
Originally Posted by Soranz View Post
Why exactly is he called the buttmaster?

He is the master of butts.
Originally Posted by Soranz View Post
Lol best nickname ever. Anyways Family seems like a really cool clan, well really cool family. Even has a kitten and an ex kitten. o.o Look forward to meeting the rest maybe :/

Neko means cat in japanese, so he's not the ex-kitten, he is the weird japanese anime-ish kitten.
Originally Posted by Butler153 View Post
Because he likes asses and he was a trial GameMaster

Originally Posted by ZeTo View Post
I was playing with kyou and then somehow we started talking about butts and then i stole her butt and so i became the master of her butt which equals to buttmaster

Oh, so that's where all that buttmaster thing started.

Last edited by Toxik; Sep 4, 2013 at 08:37 PM.
No butler is weird and doesn't know the actual history of the buttmaster.

I was playing with kyou and then somehow we started talking about butts and then i stole her butt and so i became the master of her butt which equals to buttmaster

there yo have it folks

also changing avvy to that tox, thanks brother
So you became the buttmaster off of 1 match of stealing someones butt. Lol Atleast i know the real story now. :o