Originally Posted by Blackacezi View Post
of course i remember you
btw, u want to join again ?

Idk yet still need to build me skills back up again

Originally Posted by Falzar09 View Post
This game is too addicting right?

Not realy just i have no exsams alately and i won´t have untill some time now

Originally Posted by deathkicks View Post
all i have to say is fally got his acct back jorrei is back and bacon.... that is all

Jorrei?!?!?! he is back?

And my posts have been kicked right back down to 320!
Well I think Im doing well but now I started to spar.Are you up to continue telling me some tips?
message originally posted by GOD
When you have time we can start.Right now I cant lol.If you want we can start at 8 pm(Spain)
message originally posted by GOD
Ok send me a pm with your newes replay or your best replay ok? But i am busy with this replay

Need to put more dms in it gona go for a 4 dm boom and then to finish with a skeet and with a standing up pose
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Assasins_Splitcapy Fun.rpl (95.8 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by assasin99; Feb 7, 2011 at 09:45 PM.