Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Bots don't react to damage over time properly, so veno/viper/etc who deal small instances many times won't even register as a threat lol. But that's bots and they are extremely broken in the first place :P

Nice work Arglax, what MMR?

... 2.3k :(((((((((((((((((

i suck

I wasted it all away with trying to go zeus mid in ranked a few times. Honestly, I didn't do so bad. It's very easy to get first blood with zeus, and usually I got it too (NOT by stealing a kill from a lane, just by nuking my own adversary with bolt and finishing it off with an ult.)

f=m*a syens
Game is hard.

Problem with playing zeus mid is that if your team fails then you can't carry the game. If you played something that was a semi-carry (eg TA?) you could still win the game.

People say if you want to rank up in ranked play an independant carry/semi-carry, that way your team doesn't matter as much.

The extreme opposite end is playing support, with wards/courier/smoke/mek/pipe/etc you are just providing tools for the rest of your team to use. If your team sucks you are guaranteed to not be able to win the game. As Sun Tzu would say "You must put yourself beyond the possibility of defeat but not be only skilled in defense. You must be skilled in attack and see your victory at hand." Support are not so much skilled in attack.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
A tip to getting past the low mmr world is to play late game heroes. Games 2-3k mmr NEVER last less than 30 minutes.

Also heroes with great teamfight are really strong because no one "trades" towers, they always try and fight for them, no matter how hopeless it is.
Originally Posted by IceWariorZ View Post
A tip to getting past the low mmr world is to play late game heroes. Games 2-3k mmr NEVER last less than 30 minutes.

Also heroes with great teamfight are really strong because no one "trades" towers, they always try and fight for them, no matter how hopeless it is.

How to get out of 2-3k mmr: pick lycan.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Thanks for the hints, guys. Just steamrolled a pub with zeus :oD
But yeah, I can see your point, gorman. Which are some semi carries? Why exactly is TA a semi-carry and zeus a full carry? Is it because zeus has 0 protection, CC or escape mechanisms? (btw, why are there no cosmetic items for zeus yet?)

The good part about Warlock support is that you have multiple options. If you pick up some kills, which isn't that difficult even without items, you can potentially win the end game with your OP slow.

Also, why is Lycan so OP? I've never seen him that OP. I'd say terrorblade is more difficult to lane with... Why is TB not picked on the competitive scene?
f=m*a syens
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
Which are some semi carries? Why exactly is TA a semi-carry and zeus a full carry?

Going to answer this backwards: Zeus is not a carry, I would argue that he can semi-carry, but is ineffective at the role. He's a ganker. If you're not rolling in kills early you're not playing Zeus properly.

Many people have different definitions of semi/full carry. Most people agree that both scale with items/levels/gold, but full carries do so more effectively. A good example is Luna vs Medusa. Luna is a semi carry who becomes more effective with items because of her glaives, but the scaling is nowhere near Medusa's, since glaives do less damage and carry less effects than the split shot of Medusa.

Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
(btw, why are there no cosmetic items for zeus yet?)

Because no one has made any yet.

Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
Also, why is Lycan so OP? I've never seen him that OP.

I'm fucking awful at this game: http://dotabuff.com/matches/815349360

Note the Tower Damage. This is also a suboptimal Lycan game because I didn't bother with an early Roshan kill.

Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
I'd say terrorblade is more difficult to lane with... Why is TB not picked on the competitive scene?

Terrorblade is not in Captain's Mode, so he literally will not be picked competitively.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
zeus is a space maker, make space for the carry to kill things and farm by blowing everyone up.
blow things up, that is zeus' role in dota.

semi carries are often the strongest heroes on the map at the early-midgame.
heroes like viper, TA, SF, clinkz, huskar etc whos passives and spells are a pain to deal with early, but are less relevant when you and the other team have some decent items.

heroes like void, naga, morph, antimage, pl, juggernaught etc, only get stronger, the later the game goes, and the more farm they have. their passives like bash and crit do more damage with items.

think: passive & spells with a potential damage cap, vs passives and spells with no potential damage cap.

i still think luna is a hard carry, she can break a base much easier with glaives than dusa can with splitshot. glaives bounce to a crazy range and luna attack speed is much higher. luna is much more effective in the midgame though, so you could argue semi-carry i guess. everything is situational etc.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I haven't seen a proper late-game Juggernaut yet.
I'd say he's more mid-game, when Blade Fury peaks.
His ult is nice but others surpass him late-game.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I haven't seen a proper late-game Juggernaut yet.
I'd say he's more mid-game, when Blade Fury peaks.
His ult is nice but others surpass him late-game.

You know you can autoattack during your ult right?

e: necro too op: http://dotabuff.com/matches/817190663
Last edited by Eleeleth; Aug 5, 2014 at 12:25 AM.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
I feel like I haven't played necro in ages, but actually was less than a week
>win lane by default
>spam ulti
>get refersher aghs asap
>absolutely absurd damage and that 25% increased respawn time with no bb

Gotta love heroes that you can literally just afk in the jungle and come back with a ton of levels :^)

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
zeus is a space maker, make space for the carry to kill things and farm by blowing everyone up.


Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
semi carries are often the strongest heroes on the map at the early-midgame.
heroes like viper, TA, SF, clinkz, huskar etc whos passives and spells are a pain to deal with early, but are less relevant when you and the other team have some decent items.

I think semi-carry is best described as a character who could carry if they get relatively more farm. Viper will never carry unless he has a significant gold/xp advantage, for example.

Mostly they are gankers who can snowball if they do really well, so they are a kind of proactive carry that doesn't rely on the team to make space.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
i still think luna is a hard carry, she can break a base much easier with glaives than dusa can with splitshot. glaives bounce to a crazy range and luna attack speed is much higher. luna is much more effective in the midgame though, so you could argue semi-carry i guess. everything is situational etc.

Luna is multirole, pusher, ganker, carry, depending on your build. Good hero.

Also dusa is only carry because of her shield - designated rapier carrier.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff