Got a 3 infraction do to you instagaters lets see if I can get 2 more. you mother fucking newbs.

Diana is pretty absurd at the moment, what makes her so popular in this tournament is her great matchups against kat, tf and orianna (the other highly contested mid picks this tournament).

What has surprised me is that nobody seems to be picking alistar. KARMA has been picked or banned 2 more times this tournament than alistar.
Last edited by Dr_Strangelove; Dec 1, 2012 at 09:53 PM.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post

It's about winning. No one is going to take Varus or Hecarim anyway. Too weak for championships. Everyone just picks table turners which is sad.
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
It's about winning. No one is going to take Varus or Hecarim anyway. Too weak for championships. Everyone just picks table turners which is sad.

Yeah, it's almost like they want the best chance to win or something...
Also shitty j4 and lee sin mids incoming, thanks froggen .-.
Originally Posted by chamara View Post
Any tips on Syndra people?

Don't play her. huehuehuehuehuehuehue.

No but really, standard stuff. Max Q first, followed by W, get used to your E's push on balls, cause that's your most clutch move, and learn to micro the balls. Each one lasts 6 seconds, grabbing it resets the timer to 6 seconds.

I personally play her more as a glass cannon until late game, when I have enough to get a rylai's (she's really fucking easy to farm with, holy shit I normally don't farm so well, so it shouldn't be too hard). Basically:

boots + 3 pot

1 or 2 rings + chalice




Whatever's needed.

She has pretty poor ranges on her most damaging spells, but pretty decent range on her cc spells. Plus she requires a lot of spell spam to skirmish properly. As such, mana regen is important early game. As the game progresses, cd becomes important because you need to keep the cc up and the balls out. AP is always important because she's an AP carry.

Your R is pretty bad at level 1, but it's still worth it if you manage to get 2 or 3 extra balls out. By level 2 it starts to be deadly, and level 3 you can burst pretty much any ad carry easily if they get caught from your e stun (which implies 2 or 3 balls out).

You shouldn't dive in for the carry though because of her low range and squishiness. Only do it if you catch them out. Otherwise, it will scare most bruisers and ap carries if you hit them with it. Heck, I've caused an ammumu to panic because he q'd into 7 balls smashing into him and lost like 3/4 of his health. He flashed out, then ulted and missed everyone. Probably meant to do it the other way :s
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
Actually, I don't get what all the fuss is about fiddlesticks jungling. In my experience jungling as fiddle is probably one of the most efficient "Surprise flash from wall don't care about ward fear caw caw drain double kill".

He's probably my favorite jungler so far.

In other news, just got orianna, and I'm absolutely loving every second of it. So much damage without even giving a poop about either range or buying AP early game. After that, gank everywhere without them even knowing anything.

Orianna is best champ in the game... shes my main and ill play verry good with her...
Best with a jax, E on him, he jumps in and then just ult, tons of dmg and stun from jax's E...
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