Virus: I may have lost all motivation, but I still have standards.
kball: Lost motivation.
Lorrtex: I don't want to keep Inq alive.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
I feel like inq is the longest running clan on toribash it mustn be stopped(I am to lazy to actually check the clan board and back up that claim)
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".

Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Virus: I may have lost all motivation, but I still have standards.
kball: Lost motivation.
Lorrtex: I don't want to keep Inq alive.

maybe instead of telling us that you dont care and lost motivation then maybe give someone else leadership and leave.
I honestly think we all should do a discussion saying why Inquisition should die.
"Lost motivation" isn't a valid reason imo, we should discuss how to keep this clan alive, if it should be done by kicking inactive members, recruit more, spread the clan's ideas and in the worst case change leadership to the member that will be able to lead and won't lack motivation.
I know this clan since I joined the Toribash community, we don't want to end the era now..
The vast majority of us are inactive. This single page is just about every active and even semi-active member. Literally 1/4 of Inq's members. I'm not opposed to the clan being declared dead.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I enjoy getting invited right before it dies.

All things die boys. And from what Ive seen, inq has lived a long life.

I say we start a new group. With black jack, and hookers.
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Lorrtex: I don't want to keep Inq alive.

wasn't referring to you

i personally don't really mind if inq dies or not, it's been a long run & toribash itself is kinda stagnating so i don't feel a great need to get active again
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
That's another point. Who here still plays Toribash regularly, or even occasionally? There are only two people who have played in the past week, and for most people it's been months or years since Toribash has last been launched. We're purely a social clan, and have been that way for about a year and a half in my opinion. And as soon as that social aspect falls off a cliff, there's no discernible reason we need to keep Inq alive.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by Matt76 View Post
I honestly think we all should do a discussion saying why Inquisition should die.
"Lost motivation" isn't a valid reason imo, we should discuss how to keep this clan alive, if it should be done by kicking inactive members, recruit more, spread the clan's ideas and in the worst case change leadership to the member that will be able to lead and won't lack motivation.
I know this clan since I joined the Toribash community, we don't want to end the era now..

Losing motivation is most certainty a valid reason, I've been here for a while, and I can say, it's always been an up and down cycle of activity, sometimes people are here, other times they're not. Only difference this time is that for a larger majority of the people that aren't here, it's because toribash has become boring.

Kicking the old inactive members is not an option, they're too much a part of our history as a clan.
Originally Posted by Virus View Post
maybe instead of telling us that you dont care and lost motivation then maybe give someone else leadership and leave.

Maybe you should actually look at the clan roster once in a while, there's been a new leader for a while now.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
That's another point. Who here still plays Toribash regularly, or even occasionally? There are only two people who have played in the past week, and for most people it's been months or years since Toribash has last been launched. We're purely a social clan, and have been that way for about a year and a half in my opinion. And as soon as that social aspect falls off a cliff, there's no discernible reason we need to keep Inq alive.

In my opinion, if we're going to for the social aspect, we should not be limited by the forums of toribash, it's running on a fairly outdated version of vBulletin, and is limited on what we can do.

I'm up for us having a forum outside of toribash, who knows, maybe I'll start playing games again?
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions