Originally Posted by deady View Post
Hey Alpha, remember 1986?

lol, such a weak comeback, Im almost ashamed to say it. I was 3 in 86 btw :/


I was... I was... Damn boy, thats WAY BACK!
I don't know much about the 80's..
I'm a youngfag.

Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
i dont remember much about 80s too. in 1990 i was 5, so i grew up mostly in 90s.

thats the fuckin x generation

18 years old
3rd dan
member of [Latin]
snazzy description:im from buenos aires,argentina.

so can i join or not?
i played with some [Latin] one day..

they quitted all when they see they were losing,
i can't remember if kallen was playing with me that day.

i don't like [Latin] clan, 4 people playing, 4 quitters.

@kallen: we see all the posts here, you don't need to copy and paste another message to ask us if you can join.
if we don't reply to you, you just have to wait our reply.
Thank you.

Haha, Im an 80s child, just. :P

I do love 80s synthpop too, one of my favourite genres.

Enola Gay has to be my favourite 80s song.
Originally Posted by kallen View Post
18 years old
3rd dan
member of [Latin]
snazzy description:im from buenos aires,argentina.

so can i join or not?

yep welcome.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by tagger67 View Post
i dont get why i dont have the OLDA achievment

Hummm maybe 'cause you ain't even part of the Olda roster ?
Which means that after the two previous messages you posted to join the roster, you didn't check out if it was done, and also you didn't take a single part at OLDA's life. (only 3 posts in olda, 2 for the "registering" and one to ask for achievement...)

Well good call waiting for the achievement in that case...
I just added you to the roster...
[FROG] - [Toribash-FR] - [OLDA] - \m/
Français, english: Click
Originally Posted by Kyat View Post
Hummm maybe 'cause you ain't even part of the Olda roster ?
Which means that after the two previous messages you posted to join the roster, you didn't check out if it was done, and also you didn't take a single part at OLDA's life. (only 3 posts in olda, 2 for the "registering" and one to ask for achievement...)

Well good call waiting for the achievement in that case...
I just added you to the roster...

well sorry i have school and gf pulling me off the internet problems. so ok ill be active


You`d usually think youd see 2 or 3 hookers a day. but nyou don`t. thats why we have strip clubs