lmao vic, gl hf


Such pacifist, much Gandi, okno

Also I think I got hooked with Dark Souls lmao, can't stopp dyingplaying
Last edited by Onsola; Sep 24, 2016 at 03:38 AM.
Dark Souls is another game that i'm defo going to buy when enought money,i really love those hard-shit(already finished I Wanna Be The Guy and Alien Soldier).
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Also monsto stealth posts sometimes, okno

ye I used to post here sometimes.
Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
Anyone who has anything "weeb-ish" in their username, avatar, signature, etc. is not my friend and should probably fuck off and die.

The term "weaboo/weeb" doesnt really just refer to the jqpanese culture, it refers to any culture. The actual definition of weeb is a person who iw trying hard to fit into a culture, its just that papa frankster popularized the association of "weaboo" and "japanese"
Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
I'm not racist for hating japs.



hey, we all know pakistan is truly a terrorist state
they protect terrorist
i feel that they train them too lol

also lust you are wrong
upp is right
i wish you were in the midst of 2013 typhoon lol
Last edited by Oxide; Sep 24, 2016 at 10:19 AM.
Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
I'm not racist for hating japs.


acually you are
its like hating blacks which is racism.
idk whats the story of racism you got there thought cuz we dont have any kind of it :/
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
i think he meant that it's rational and justifiable to hate japanese people
tbh russia should drop it
that should wipe out japan pretty well

also japanese culture is fucked up, and don't think i'm saying this because of the way its shown in anime
and their economy is shit lol
fucking japs
I like anime #HateMe #IDontCare
also,i'm a furry #HateMeV2

also,Oxide,you're wrong: Japanese economy is the third largest in the world,and also have a true mark in some parts,such as Informatic and Engineering.
before you start to talk shit,make a quick search,i doubt that you did it.
you seems to dont even stud geography.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
lol bro
look at their fucking debt
if i had a penny for every dollar of japanese debt
i'd still be the richest man on earth, with a value of 104.6 billion

also im sure the tsar bomb could wipe out japan
Last edited by Oxide; Sep 24, 2016 at 05:18 PM.
Yes,their coin is a pretty low one.
However, you can choose how much hours a day will be in job,you get more money for more hard work and time.
Even i wold be rich af if i converted my house money to Iene(japanese money).
Dont forget about the expensive exportation,they have alot of areas wich export stuff(technology,objects etc),japan is almost the highest exportation of technology,you think that this is cheap?
Tsar bomb could destroy any country if detonated on the center of a city,or on the president's place.
also could Joe4,Castle Bravo and some other thermonuclear bombs.
Last edited by victortb; Sep 24, 2016 at 05:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592