Best banner that toribash ever had.
Toribash Wii is out, it costs 1.000 WiiWare points.
TB Wii is only out for Europe users.
Last edited by xNuTHuGx; Jul 9, 2010 at 02:18 PM.
sup guys, I'm not that active atm, since:
1. Installed Ubuntu parallel to Win7 on my PC, normally using ubuntu atm, so no Tb 'cause I'm too lazy to install it right now.
2. Learning to use ubuntu
3. Learning Python (the reason why I intalled ubuntu was that python is far better with linux)
4. RL is sucking time like a giant spider in the middle of TimeNet
5. Installed Privatix on a USB and DVD for SecureBoots
6. reading great books, like little Brother by Cory Doctorow (you need to read this book, or you don't understand how the world goes round)
7. more reading; the books that are recommended in the last few pages of "little brother"
8. Since school is out very soon, teachers like to give us as much homework as possible.
9. Because I want 10 reasons
10. had to install TOR (go and do it too)
11. Because it's a great number.

Yay, what ever. basically, I'm not THAT active anymore, but still a hell load more than anyone else ;P
7th Dan
As Free as I can be.
thanks for telling

i dont like linux because it fails in gaming lol

but for programming its better than the rest i think
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
Lol. Someone just gave me negative rep because of this post:

Originally Posted by fightback View Post
And please put a tag.
Anyway, kinda nice, but poor flow (actually, none)
also, seems a bit empty
still 7.5/10

I posted it in the art forum and somebody, not sure whether it was a mod or not, gave me negative rep for backseat modding. Wth? Just because I wanted to help that dude not to get infracted?
Last edited by fightback; Jul 11, 2010 at 01:42 PM.
7th Dan
As Free as I can be.
bad rep just for that?

why the hell you were infracted for backseating modding -.-

you just say "please put a tag"....
this is stupid... you just gave him an advice...
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL