yes there is actually, just add dm_threshold X to the joints code.

Where X is the dt you want (100 judo, 350 aikido etc)

setting it to -1 will make it use the gamerules dt.


joint neck
dm_threshold 90

gives the neck a little less dt than judo
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

Im looking for the thread that has the flag index for objects and Tori's ( bodyparts) . I cant seem to locate it , did have a file that had all my notes about modding but its gone for some reason .

Also , Ive been messing around with body modding in regards to a specific body part not receiving any damage , but no luck . Im almost positive that there was one mod that has this function but not im not too sure what it was .

And one more question , I havent tried it yet but is it possible to have a dojo ring with no dq inside or outside ? So it doesnt matter if you step outside the ring , you wont be dq'd .

I really need to make my reference index again ...
Originally Posted by TRichard21 View Post
Im looking for the thread that has the flag index for objects and Tori's ( bodyparts) . I cant seem to locate it , did have a file that had all my notes about modding but its gone for some reason .

Also , Ive been messing around with body modding in regards to a specific body part not receiving any damage , but no luck . Im almost positive that there was one mod that has this function but not im not too sure what it was .

And one more question , I havent tried it yet but is it possible to have a dojo ring with no dq inside or outside ? So it doesnt matter if you step outside the ring , you wont be dq'd .

I really need to make my reference index again ...

From Poptart
body flags only work on body parts, not joints as far as i know
flag 0 [BODY_NORMAL] (the regular state of the body)
flag 2 [BODY_SHIELD] (doesn't take any damage)
flag 4/6 [BODY_WEAPON / BODY_SHIELD] (instagib / anti-instagib)
flag 8 [BODY_STATIC] (unmovable body, for environment only)
flag 12 [BODY_WEAPON] (instagib)
flag 16 [BODY_UNGRIPPABLE] (ungrippable)
flag 32 [BODY_DQ_DISABLE] (can't DQ the part)
flag 48 [BODY_DQ_DISABLE / BODY_UNGRIPPABLE] (adding two variables together gets both results)

For the dojo with no dq you need to make it so there is no dq inside and dqtimer of a very large number.

dojosize ?
dqflag 0
dq 0
dqtimeout 1000000
Last edited by TheGod; Aug 17, 2012 at 07:22 PM.
the god
I have a question, I created a mod and it's perfect, but how can I change the position of my tori with engageplayerpos in the notepad? I can change it in the game but how can I avoid changing it every time I open the game?
2010simoDK, the legend is back
Italians do it better
put this in your notepad except replace the x1,y1...etc with your numbers
notepad code:
engageplayerpos x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2
<fett175> So what you're saying is, I can type whatever I want here and it will be at the bottom of all my posts?... AWESOME
thx, i finished my mod now, last question, what i have to do for make more of 12 objects in a mod?
2010simoDK, the legend is back
Italians do it better
After the first 12, you just save, open the mod with toribash then continue with worldbuilder. It'll allow you to make another 12, but remember you already have 12, so you should only make another 4 (max is 16 in any mod). Save the 4 objects then copy them over to your mod in notepad and renumber the env_obj numbers (env_obj 13, env_obj 14, etc)
<fett175> So what you're saying is, I can type whatever I want here and it will be at the bottom of all my posts?... AWESOME
Originally Posted by 2010simoDK View Post
thx, i finished my mod now, last question, what i have to do for make more of 12 objects in a mod?

Use this next time
the god
I hve another question, how rotate the tori? I tryed with engageplayerot, but I can move it only to 180°, I have to rotate it only to 90°but when I do it, the tori will dismember himself.
2010simoDK, the legend is back
Italians do it better