So far as I know, Essence hasn't been in dire need of a bank and/or Tc (hence the reason I said we should do friendly wars to get us started).

The old outdated EssenceBank has 750 Tc.
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
How about we do not friendly 10-15k clan war duel instead? We have that much in our bank, yes?

We don't even know how we stand-up to others in terms of skill.
It's better to arrange a few friendly events first to give us an understanding of where we're at.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
hey guys do you think i could join the in-game team i know im new here and im only 2 dan but im really good plz give me a chance
I throw my Spanish in the air some times sayyin ayyo no comprendo
Originally Posted by romn4 View Post
hey guys do you think i could join the in-game team i know im new here and im only 2 dan but im really good plz give me a chance

well i dont make any dissension for this but the clan is more form then ingame so i dont think there is any need for the in-game team just my opinion
Originally Posted by yuseimot View Post
well i dont make any dissension for this but the clan is more form then ingame so i dont think there is any need for the in-game team just my opinion

Things are at a standstill currently, but we're looking to expand in all areas, including ingame.
Just because we've been predominantly forum-based does not mean we cannot be ingame as well.

ConCon is currently managing this, but things are a bit frozen right now.
Fill out one of the templates provided and post it here.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
oh yes sir i believe all clans can be ingame active and form active i just have never seen the ingame team and i thought the team was kinda dead but i guss not my apogees
Reason for wanting to join the team:
I've been trying to organize something like this about a year ago on Essence. Rappunk fortified the statement that we are a laid back forum base clan and I'm a little of an adventurer so I can't just be a forumite.

Mods that you want to fight in:
- Aikido
- Mushu
- Taekkyon
- Wushu
- Greykido
- Judo
Mods that you are good at:
- Everything but Lenshu
Mods that you want to learn more in:
- Lenshu
I'm toxic go away.
Added ya^

Still don't know your GMT, just post it next time ok? So I can update it. You guys can try find us opponents to war with, just pm letting me know if you found a clan to war with.