Originally Posted by sid View Post

this is most definitively my record. If you haven't stealthed framing frame yet, do it.

I just solo'd framing frame. Only got 750k~ because there were only 6 paintings and I didn't have surviving member bonus but still, pretty happy that I was able to solo it.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Don't you need someone on the computer turning off the motion detectors every few seconds? How'd you do it?
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
The most I've got from Framing Frame was ~$17,000,000.
There's a trick to it - the trick is having the right skills: Smooth Talker, Body Bags, and Intimidating. Preferably spread over more than one guy to save silly grinding.

In the first part with the art exhibit, kill 4 guards away from the cameras - the first two pagers can be answered by anyone, but the 3rd and 4th must be answered by whoever has Smooth Talker. If there are any guards left, either intimidate them into cuffing themselves (or convert them, if you have the skill. Doesn't matter.) or just have someone watching them so you can just sneak around. Have whoever has body bags bag up the corpses and transported somewhere safe, like the roof.
Bust all the cameras - I only found out yesterday that broken cameras do not matter so long as a guard doesn't see them.
Then just sneak out with the paintings. Easy.

The second day is cake anyway, no strategy here just rush the money bags through to the car and leave.

On the final day, there are a guaranteed 5 guards (so far as I've seen anyway). That means 4 kills, one intimidate/convert to do. Having two or more guys is really helpful here, as having one guy sitting on the cameras and shuffling through to mark all the guards will make a world of difference.
Same as day one - bust all the cameras, kill the guards one by one and answer their pagers with Smooth Talker. Then bag them up and hide them somewhere safe - like an opened closet room or the vault exterior. Even the roof if you have the time.
Once the guards and cameras are all busted it's a straight shot to the finish - just have one guy in the vault and the other manning the laser grid controls. The laser grid beeps loudly when it's about to come back on, so bagging the gold and getting out is a piece of cake.

Using this method my friends and I pulled off an (almost) perfect Pro Overkill Framing Frame with a reward of 17 million plus yesterday. We probably would've got more if we didn't screw up on the first section and have to leave with only 7 paintings and 1 crew member alive.
The Elephant's missions are certainly incredibly rewarding for full stealth, and cripplingly punishing for a screw up, let me tell you...

We're going to have another go at Overkill Big Oil today, we got absolutely frustrated at it yesterday. If we do it I'll be sure to post whether it was worth the hassle.
Last edited by 4zb41; Aug 25, 2013 at 08:47 AM.
today was a good day in terms of heists

20 mil Framing Frame
17 mil watchdogs
15 mil rats (we actually did it the real way yay)

then I did an overkill jewelry store for SnGs and I cannot believe people used to farm that.. barely got 8k exp for it.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
then I did an overkill jewelry store for SnGs and I cannot believe people used to farm that.. barely got 8k exp for it.

They tried to address farming in the latest update(s). Longer jobs reward more experience, and it seems like now finishing a job too quickly results in a guaranteed Escape mission (see: Ukrainian Job, Nightclub, Four Stores, Jewellery...)
I'm not entirely sure if they decreased exp from 1 day jobs any though.
Originally Posted by sid View Post
Don't you need someone on the computer turning off the motion detectors every few seconds? How'd you do it?

Rofl it's such a waste of time

You turn the laser off, run to the room, grab a bag and walk out. You do that 8 times.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
They tried to address farming in the latest update(s). Longer jobs reward more experience, and it seems like now finishing a job too quickly results in a guaranteed Escape mission (see: Ukrainian Job, Nightclub, Four Stores, Jewellery...)
I'm not entirely sure if they decreased exp from 1 day jobs any though.

No, it's not a guarantee. It's if you don't complete it stealth. I've competed Four Stores on Overkill in literally the time it takes to walk into the 24hr store, open the atm, wait for the van, then crouch walk to escape, nothing more, under perfect stealth, and no escape happened, despite only doing 2-3 minutes of play, which is the shortest necessary for 4stores. Even using stacked ecm jammers for normal jewelry to do a pseudo stealth will get you no escape, at least from what I've seen.

And they decreased the time/exp ratio by putting mandatory escape for non-stealths. Which is how you do the majority of the quick one day heists.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
No, it's not a guarantee. It's if you don't complete it stealth.

Ah. Well that's good to know.
My friends and I came to the conclusion that the reason you run into an escape if you blitzkrieg a 1 day mission is because you run into the cops who are already on their way there, rather than the ones you are fleeing from under other conditions :P

But yeah, I can see stealthing 1-day jobs also being counter-productive to farming seeing as it takes just a little bit longer than a blitzkrieg approach. We tried Ukrainian Job once with a friend on Ghost and had to wait maybe 2 and a half minutes for the guard by the safe to get out of the way, and then someone walked in on him lockpicking.
On an unrelated note, I really want to get that 35 second achievement, and I'm wondering if you can do it without triggering the escape mission. Maybe with an ECM jammer.