Well ladies and Business men here's my app

My name is Darren Graham Ferguson, I am 14 year's of age. Im a very active in-game/forum user, Im on the forum's pretty much everyday and Im in-game whenever Im in the forum's. I have been playing Toribash for 3 year's now, I love to make texture's and i also love parkour, I can do parkour pretty well in toribash but not very realistically and as for real life, well Im shit. I am pretty good friend's with Natejas and i really enjoy speaking to TomPaine whenever i meet him in-game, Sadly i never see Milk or Doxxy in-game because i'd love to chat with them. Well yeah this is my app, hope you like it!
♥ mushu♥
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada

So, I just looked up apathy to figure out what it meant.

I guess that means I'm rejected, right?
the goblin
No, means you still have chance to get in if you prove yourself worthy to join even with your app.
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
I vote yes on misty and tamakuu. A yes for each.

Edit: Milk: y u no type right side up? Also teach us pllzzz!
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Originally Posted by hucota
Apathy means you don't vote either way. It's like abstaining.

It's like "I want to say that I wont vote."
Milk, teach plz.
Tamakuu, what's your old acc? I say no for now, because i don't like you at all, and your application sucked, your replays are nice tho, but it doesn't even matter in this clan.
And a BIG no to Mist, the application was horrible, and effortless. I could write that shit up in -2 minutes, and oh my god, that ass licking. "I love to chat with Natejas, tompaine and all the other guys who could possibly accept me and i also love to whore for yes' "
Also, Mist, this post is almost as big as your "application" is and i spent 1 minute doing this.
It's All About Expansion
What about Hucota7, cunt?
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada