Updated, added a new system to assist with checking inactive accounts and suspicious ones.

Melqart's account being suspicious due to the fact that in 3 weeks an extra 40 anime were watched, it is possible no doubt since ova and small series getting counted as "1" on the counter.

But that's not the case since in 3 weeks his "time spent watching anime" increased by 2 weeks and 4 days, which leads me to believe he may just be adding stuff on to make it further up the champion list as people have tried before.

There may yet be a logical reason for this, so I will find out.
Last edited by ConCon; Feb 19, 2015 at 11:29 PM.
Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
Updated, added a new system to assist with checking inactive accounts and suspicious ones.

Melqart's account being suspicious due to the fact that in 3 weeks an extra 40 anime were watched, it is possible no doubt since ova and small series getting counted as "1" on the counter.

But that's not the case since in 3 weeks his "time spent watching anime" increased by 2 weeks and 4 days, which leads me to believe he may just be adding stuff on to make it further up the champion list as people have tried before.

There may yet be a logical reason for this, so I will find out.

well yea, you can't add all the anime you've watched in a single go to your list lel
cage the gargoyle
Originally Posted by Melqart View Post
well yea, you can't add all the anime you've watched in a single go to your list lel

Ahh I see, I have cross-referenced this with your AP account and seen that your account is indeed relatively new and thus a plausible explanation. Thanks for your cooperation.
You don't have to take anime champions so seriously mate.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
You don't have to take anime champions so seriously mate.

When I first started watching anime from being in this org back in 2013 (even tho I joined in 2010),
I saw that champion list and set a goal to one day be on it.

It took me 21 months but I finally made it on there.

Having the list be active members who watch anime regularly makes it more possible for people to join instead of those who have insane stats and are inactive both on toribash and with watching anime.
Imagine if the guinness book of world records has the same opinion; if you don't set a new record within a couple of weeks the record gets wiped clean so others can get a record too.

I think it defeats the purpose, but whatever. Anime champions was supposed to be just for fun, I don't particularly like that you watched a lot of anime just to get on the list...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Well having people who stopped playing toribash and stopped watching anime since 2012 be on the list was unfair.

Like you said, Anime Champions is just for fun but it's not fun when all the champions were inactive for 3 years.

It not like champions will get replaced quickly, I only update this around twice each season, so if someone goes 4 or 5 months without having watched any anime then I assume they don't watch anime anymore and should be replaced by someone who does, which is only fair. If said person who got replaced decides to come back and watch anime, he will get his/her position back.

Anime Champions is small motivation for those want to become well versed in anime.

Plus I didn't particularly watch a lot of anime just to get on the list, sure it started out like that when I first started watching anime and Anime champions was a goal only a newbie could dream of, only once I got to 180 anime watched did I realise I was close to the current champions and then just by watching my normal intake of anime I managed to surpass some champions and make it in.

You really think I'd watch 2 months worth of anime to get on a list that I now run? That'd be weird and pointless. Besides I'm sure you like your position on the list too, suppose you were to be removed, you'd feel disappointed and upset would you not?
Decided to import my list again from MyAnimeList so it'll update a few anime and stats.. - anime | manga | reviews
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.