Hey hipo is here (partyy)
BTW can someone tell me am i rejected or no?
Last edited by boltskii; Dec 29, 2010 at 07:41 PM.
Originally Posted by AoNanami View Post
:O nice replays and I think I'll say Yes to his app

are you talking about my application ?
Originally Posted by boltskii View Post
Hey hipo is here (partyy)
BTW can someone tell me am i rejected or no?

Yes you where denied.

Hippo ill say yes due to your post count. But i should say no beacuse now one invited you, am i right?

Edit: Wia wait wait, you cannot join if you are in ROAR..Much less the leader of ROAR.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
you can clearly see that ROAR is closed.I just forgot to change my sig.I had 2700 posts before the forum got hacked.Do you want examples of my art and textures ?
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
Belt: 5th dan
Former Clans: ROAR,Drones
Forum Activity:
In-game Activity: 5/10
Special talents if any: Texturing and Art
Why you woul
d like to join: My old friends Akuma and Swex are here,and it seems like an awesome clan to chill and meet friends
Two or more replays: (dont mind the names lol)

we are invite only now dude sorry :/.....and no one invited you
Last edited by KiddxSt33z; Dec 29, 2010 at 08:58 PM.
<••• me in my avatar tho
didnt know that,sorry.but why did marccod though about saying yes ? btw,here are examples of my art/textures: