I'm SinisteRing in HoN. First ever Clan & Competitive Play Moderator on the official forums, creator of the first DotA-to-HoN port mod, and the first player ever to create a popular suggestion into a real hero.
Damn... I hate pubs in HoN

I have a 1346 PSR then 1275 PSR just because I had nooby team mates. I lost 5 straight games... >.>
i play hon too,my fave hero is swiftblade, add me to the list and my name there is NutStab

and btw open beta starts soon so all of you keep checking the website for info :P
Last edited by Shaogorath; Apr 3, 2010 at 06:24 PM.

Smack Bitches.

Open beta came out April 1, no joke.

Also my name is Cilinth, I made a new account when open beta came out because my old name was superlatively shit.
A shitload of people still play. I had to search forever to find this thread. We're in #hon if anyone else still plays. It's open beta now so anyone can download it for free until it officially comes out in mid-May.
Last edited by KiTFoX; Apr 29, 2010 at 08:15 PM. Reason: I don't know how to use a calender
Originally Posted by Dashterror View Post
I got in beta and people yelled at me for nothing.

20 minutes later I uninstalled the game.

Grow some balls man, hon people are serious flamers all around, just ignore them.

Also get on #hon people
Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post
A shitload of people still play. I had to search forever to find this thread. We're in #hon if anyone else still plays. It's open beta now so anyone can download it for free until mid-May when it officially comes out.

Last edited by KiTFoX; Apr 29, 2010 at 08:16 PM. Reason: I MEANT MAY NOT MARCH WE PASSED THAT ALREADY FUCK YOU