Not really andyson, randomninja,giantz,wop and me were the first 5 to be in revolution after it died
Part of the [Revolution]
if you ask me i dont think rank matters you all are as important as eachother
just be happy to be in the clan
Originally Posted by Ofillusion View Post
True about the rank thing, Because i am a 2nd Dan and so skillfull

yeh but you are becoming rusty now.
Rampaging isnt the only thing im good at ;)
>>6th dan<<
Originally Posted by Ofillusion View Post
i know vamp u are not de ldr dude u come in and try to change things

wow illusion your a (bleep)ing cunt >.> i didn't mean this like you took it, in fact it was kind of a joke to wop, and no i never was leader, but there was a time (if you really want to go and look for it) where i was suggested for leadership of revolution, and if i had seen the post i might have. If your going to be a dick to someone try somebody who wasnt in this clan from the beginning, (i was asked to join by bhs when they only had 3-4 members, ask him if you doubt me and i believe it was Bhs,andy,and chief.) ok? and even better, make sure that before you make stupid allegations that you do some reading first. oh and your not actually that good of a player, i dont know why we even have you here, except to post in every forum every chance you get. oh and dont try to talk shit about me leaving, because at that time there were maybe three active members and that includes me, in other words; Practically Dead.
Last edited by Vamp_09; Dec 3, 2008 at 08:36 AM.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
which roster the tori clan one?
because that should be updated later today
and im working on a new rank system (was gonna be a surprise) so im not updating the member list yet