Already found a fix for my dumb slowdown issue, and hopefully within an hour or two the servers will be fixed since they're going through maintenance right now

Right side execution is godlike btw we don't talk about left side execution

EDIT: Now that there is no time limit or anything to worry about like in the betas I'm getting to really mess around with some other characters, chun has some really cool shit. I'm really enjoying the shortened charge time in this game and its implications for practical combos, doing stuff like crouching fierce cancel legs, link jab cancel spinning bird kick is really fun.
Last edited by VIDEOGAMES; Feb 17, 2016 at 06:23 AM.
oh yeah
i checked out nash cause i had the lulziest moment with the cpu constantly using moonsault straight into sim fireballs. he actually feels really good, i might bother learning him when i manage to actually pull off a combo in a real fight.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I didn't have any interest in Nash until I realized if you play him as a dickass you could end most of his stuff in that meter draining move. It'd probably get hilarious if you and your opponent play lame enough
oh yeah
nash is safe on like EVERYTHING, it's horseshit. moonsault is unsafe only in windup, but it comes out so quick that you have to anticipate it most of the time. he has one of the safest fireballs in the game. he can convert light combos into knockdowns that are safe on block, so he can mash buttons.

and that goddamn v-trigger and his ca. good god, the ridiculousness of fireball trading into v-trigger or ca to just say fuck you to the fireball game.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
ugh man capcom why

servers have been fucked for 2 days in a row (for me at least), they literally disabled battle lobbies because they were broken even after only allowing 2 player slots (this is the only thing i really want to do right now), and the netcode is still bad. couldn't they have just waited until march or something? you know, when the game might be potentially playable?
Is it just me or is Karin's rushdown godlike? Overheads out of nowhere, juggles, just consistent scary pressure with when she's on tempo. Really difficult for me to deal with as a shodo player who's comfortable playing footsies. It's really cool, though. I'm glad that it's moving in this direction.
collect snots from the nose
i retract my last statement, seems like they fixed everything now and the netcode is actually really good, me, gynx and phail can all play without any lag as long as our internet doesn't start shitting out in the middle of a match.

also karin is indeed godlike, new favorite character and trying to learn how to be good with her.
Karin has mixups for days. Went into training mode to see what she could throw at me since the karin v sim matchup is horribad for sim, and it's fucking mixups and pressure and frametraps for days. don't want her anywhere near me.

and i've decided to try to learn f.a.n.g now, and it's tricky getting used to him. his fireball is a down up charge move, and his other specials are wonky linking in to them, since he pretty much can't do a jab link into any of them without getting into the air or expending v-trigger. specials link with any of his mediums, so long as it's the first hit of them for the multi-hits.

im gonna need a lot of time in training to get used to him, he feels really tricky to play right.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Karin has mixups for days. Went into training mode to see what she could throw at me since the karin v sim matchup is horribad for sim, and it's fucking mixups and pressure and frametraps for days. don't want her anywhere near me.

Aye, I main Dhalsim and Karin is scary but actually one of my better match-ups. I struggle more against defensive characters that don't open up for me when they try to rush me down - your Ryu, Birdie, etc. Seems pretty difficult to do anything without getting counter hit or bodied whilst trying to make openings on good defensive characters.
collect snots from the nose