Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
Something that isn't a blatantly ripped quote from PA?

Hey, it's actually a paraphrase. In the comic itself, it's "WHAT THE FUCK ELSE DO YOU WANT?!?", accompanied by a manic and rabid look in the last panel.

Back on topic, probably Motorstorm Pacific Rift. OK, great, there are maps with lava in them and there's a two-player mode. Now, the latter is pretty awesome when you have friends who are good at the game, but other than that, not much is changed from the original. Just because you have a good prequel doesn't mean you shouldn't make any improvements to the sequel =/
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
You moved the "fuck" from the second line to the first.
It is still a blatant rip, which is why I phrased it as such.

Similiarly, the first PA game was pretty meh as well.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

The first PA game? I think you mean the first Motorstorm.

(THERE IS NO PENNY ARCADE GAME, CIAO, HURHURHUR. -in response to a random edit)
Last edited by Ragdollmaster; Jul 17, 2009 at 05:15 PM.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare for many reasons.
Halo 3 because they took the fun out of Big Team Slayer.
Robo-Cop Just shit.
Two Worlds you may as well play Oblivion.
Far Cry 2
Last edited by Conjurer; Jul 17, 2009 at 12:57 AM.
find me a old-school game and i'd kick butt at it, pacman...little ghosts get eaten 20 times in a row by me!
i need TC! plz help!
Cod5 for wii, halo 3, aaaaaaaand fracture.
Belt: 7th dan
I put the sexy in dyslexia
I <3 Nano
New leader of the reborn Nano! PM me if you are blackbelt+ and I can test you to see if you are good enough to join!
Velvet Assassin: Oh that makes perfect sense shooting the wall in the other direction with shotgun and killing me.

Black: I just couldn't get into it. Normally I feel something when I kill, but it felt like I was picking off targets.
Only Emos /wrists