@Yoda, too much Burgers could be bad for your health. But ye having Burgers from time to time is nice, still depends if they are delicious or not ofc

But ye, my favourite Burger would have to be the Whooper in Burger King.
McDonalds isthe biggest shit ever.

Originally Posted by Trestet View Post
@Yoda, too much Burgers could be bad for your health. But ye having Burgers from time to time is nice, still depends if they are delicious or not ofc

But ye, my favourite Burger would have to be the Whooper in Burger King.
McDonalds isthe biggest shit ever.

still depends if they are delicious or not ofc

of course xD

Now i'm going to say something that will surprise the world: i've never been to McDonalds or Burger King, rip

hey Trestet

As Undead and All Stars are allies, i am doing an Undead event and thought of calling you, maybe want to participate:

The original thread is in Brazilian Portuguese but has an English version at the end. And sorry for any errors with English :<
Originally Posted by Space View Post
Longer than the amount of respect you have in relative inches.

haha i could say the same about you and every clan

also now comes the plagiarism ban, next comes the CLAN BAN
hentai for senpai :3~~ >~<
What? You're talking about burgers? NO just no.. It's time to stop! You'll get fat!
Better talk about salads! They are the best!


@Yoda, thank you very much for the invitation Will forward that to my members.
@IKoorie, dont worry, will take care of it ;)