Endurance Onslaught 6.0

I am in a quite bad mood right now. In school, we had arranged a LAN party to take place here today from 8 PM to 8 AM next morning, aye? Well, we of course go around preparing for everything here at home, buying snacks, cooling Pepsi and packing down the computer and so on. When we (me and my dad) arrive, there are zero human beings inside the school. We go around the school a little, peeking through windows, but there's nobody. So we drive back home, and i bring out my laptop to check my mail and so on, but then i thought "SMS mebbe?" and took out my cellphone. Not long after, it vibrated as i received a message... "The LAN party has unfortunately been cancelled". No info on why, just that it had been cancelled. That was when i put on the ._. face and started grumbling around angrily. Now i just hope that we'll arrange another one later, AND that i'd discover eventual cancellations in time. I think i'm going to rage if i don't find out why on Monday.


P.S. Oh snap, loose poops. :o
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Sucks when that happens don't it?

My last school had it's Video Game Club shot down because the games there were "too violent." For gods sake we are not around little kids, we see more than our fair share of violence already, and if we already wanted to gun the school down we'd probably do it because you cancelled the club. Add further insult to injury, they then allowed another group to run a school tournament with SSMB because it was for charity <.< Nothing against the tournament, but apparently with our club it was "too graphic" for us... Bullshit administrative group.

Also loose poops :ooo
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
Sucks when that happens don't it?

Especially when it was to be the first LAN party i've ever participated in. >.>
Also, too violent wtf? Pansies. Raging gamers are mentally unstable and are probably more or less insane already, video games aren't going to turn a normal person into a murderous maniac. I've played violent video games since i was 4-5 years old, and i've hardly even punched anyone for real yet, at an age of 16. Like, no full-on punches, mostly open-handed slaps (not ghey), small elbows and weak hits. Those attacks were provoked and in anger, too. I'd never hit anyone without reason, even though i can name several people who deserve a knockout punch to the face.
Oh wait, i'm rambling again. Snap. :V
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
If you consider playing Mario Kart worth congregating for then yes we had a club <.< We couldn't even play reaslistic racing games because the crashes might scar us... Apparently getting jacked of your bombs because someone hit you while on star power is perfectly fine though <.<
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
860tc go to the ORMO member that can name where my avatar is from.

Also, any comments on it?

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention earlier, today marks yet another anniversary of my birth. 15 today.
Last edited by Tamer0; Mar 13, 2009 at 03:33 AM.
Heh, too easy Tamer0, mspaintadventures.

More specifically, it's PS's final level up dance when he gets promoted to suitor to the sodajerk's confidante.

I love Problem Sleuth, when I first saw it one weekend, I sat down and read the bulk of what was already out at the time.