Endurance Onslaught 6.0
At the start.
Or if I'm wrong about that the past.
Even then there's a possibility I'm wrong about that.
Ah, you could even say that the universe was created when man (or woman) first thought of it,
"Stercus, stercus, stercus, moriturus sum"
it is impossible for AI to ever be programmed well enough to count as lifeforms, because life is regulated by DNA, which we can manipulate, but we cannot incorporate computers into it

when the universe was created is not a philosophical topic, unless a lot of you are staunch christians that believe in creation, then it's not a debate, because there's the creationist view of, what, a thousand years or something silly like that, and the right answer, which i forget, because entry-level physics ended a couple months ago, but it's somewhere in the hundred billions of years ago
Come on man, quit being so uptight... be [Smooth].

I is [Smooth] leader. Just so's you know.
i see u've learned alot.

dozent mean u cant have fun though.
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I may have to stab you if you keep using u and z or at the least the z u's i can deal with.
Also how do you know about A.I being "impossible" to program that well, it could be a 100 or even 200 years but it could happen.
Anyways it was a philosophical question supposing something was created by man so much alike that it could be consindered a life.
"Stercus, stercus, stercus, moriturus sum"