Well if the above accusations are true, I'm afraid we're(I'm) gonna have to decline.
Plus I don't really know you, and I don't think anyone else here knows you so I'm afraid I don't really see a solid reason to grant you single ally.
Well, Hacks, I wouldn't say that I acted like a complete ass, in fact, if I may, they made me out to be an ass so that they could get away with my tc. The fact that I actually got my tc back just goes to show who was right and who was wrong.

Ostakex, as far as a reason to why you should accept my alliance, I want to post around a bit here and get to know you guys before I make my application.

If you still wish to decline my request then It's honestly your loss.
i vaguely recall meeting simon here in passing, he seems alright.
2 things though, if you actually want to get to know the Atlantic members, jump on the IRC, that is where all our remaining activity is.
The other thing is why would you want to join a mostly dead clan?

Edit: I say our, i guess i still consider myself a member even if i dont wear the tag :P
Last edited by FinalWish; Feb 10, 2012 at 06:33 PM. Reason: Oh.
Originally Posted by Simon View Post
Well, Hacks, I wouldn't say that I acted like a complete ass, in fact, if I may, they made me out to be an ass so that they could get away with my tc. The fact that I actually got my tc back just goes to show who was right and who was wrong.

Ostakex, as far as a reason to why you should accept my alliance, I want to post around a bit here and get to know you guys before I make my application.

If you still wish to decline my request then It's honestly your loss.

You are right. They were wrong for trying to keep your tc, but the way you acted about not being able to get it back is where you turned into a little child and complained about it. But, all's well that ends well. Jump on IRC like final said and get to know us. It has been about 7 months since I seen you act like that, so I don't know if you changed or not. It's best if others like Ostakex gets to know you and see what your like.
Whatever happens cheers
Originally Posted by Sainzgc View Post
Hello Atlantic,Clan and Single ally request

Give a reason or something, that's lame.
Also I have no idea who you are.

Stealing Evil's gif and shit.
Last edited by Wicked; Jun 16, 2012 at 04:42 AM.
Originally Posted by WickedHayo View Post
Give a reason or something, that's lame.
Also I have no idea who you are.

Stealing Evil's gif and shit.

Haha,okay okay,enemy request