Originally Posted by War View Post
At least you listen to the right music

I'm a clubber so i like "popular" music too.
Originally Posted by War View Post
Who of you guys are Metalheads?

Thrash/Speed/Heavy/Death/Black Metal.
New Metal just Korn.
Power Metal, well, sometimes I find something I like.

Punk/Hard/Indie/Funk Rock
Funk rock as Red Hot Chili Peppers

Alternative is allways welcome

Plus some other shit that didnt come to my mind.

But my favorite style is thrash metal with bands like Metallica, Sepultura, Cavalera Conspiracy and others.

Also, favorite song.

Just uber fucking awesome

and i have a bass... sometimes i play some random stuff on it
but i dont like making covers, so, mainly I play real random stuff, non sense stuff and stuff stuff

random stuff I do

read the description, may explain somethings

I just uploaded it, but I "wrote" and taped it almost a year ago
I'll reupload it because the video time length is way longer than the song length
Last edited by Carnage; Oct 10, 2011 at 09:11 PM.
Originally Posted by ebrithil View Post

I shall be different, and post this kinda music :3

" I like my body and my weapon , Heavy & Metal"
Oh no the police is Magic
Put on your cuddleface :3 .... ಠೆ_ಠೆ
I dont think i posted this before

im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by Petri View Post
I like these:

and some electronica:

Kewl stuff petri, nice to see you around