I'm starting to like the New Doctor anyway. He's different to the other ones
[doc] [NZ] Signatures are so over-rated... ~Alexxy
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
I've watched pretty much every Dr Who episode/movie ever released, thus my huge disappointment with fa... I mean Smith. >_> He's just shit at being the Doctor & his Doctor is made of shit.

Although he was slightly less shit in the last episode.

Doctor 6 was worse (however, he was also the victim of terrible writing).
Skulfuk confirmed for liking cheesey acting and big speeches about how humans are great. That is basically all this most recent one had in it apart from medicore dialogue :s

Also, saw RTD's Midnight. Best RTD episode that is serious (non-serious one goes to Bad Wolf)
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Originally Posted by Fish View Post
But they are plastic robots, which you can walk faster than. How hard is it to run up to a plastic robot and hit it and jump back before it "attacks" you? Oh wait he could just sonic screw driver them.

they are scary as shit. thats the problem.
or atleast, they used to be. my parents where terrified of them when they were younger.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
This guy isn't really doctor material. Notice how all the other Doctors LOOKED like Doctors except, Christopher (Though he just looks bad ass) and ALL had that hint of insanity and awkwardness in their appearance. Looks like a person who has all his shit together. The others look like they need to work a few things out mentally.
Chris was cool enough to wear a leather jacket. He was a far better doctor that both Tennant and Smith.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
they are scary as shit. thats the problem.
or atleast, they used to be. my parents where terrified of them when they were younger.

I wasn't referring to the daleks there. They aren't actually scared of them. Fear is simply implied in some cases for no good reason.

In the dalek episode with Smith you see him pick up a massive spanner and start pounding on a dalek. There are so many other episodes where if he did that to his plastic foes he would destroy them permanently. I believe this sort of attack could reduce about 50% of the scary scenes in Dr Who.
Today's episode was reasonably good. Pleased to say that this second bit of the two parter was a fair lot better than the first. It still had pretty shit dialogue but that didn't really matter as much this time because it had a fair bit of action.


Man, Rory's death was pretty damn sad. It was kinda horrible that they made Amy forget him entirely. I read rumors though that he returns in the finale of the season as a centurion in the Roman army, that would be pretty fucking cool and I really hope that's what happens. Decent episode overall. I didn't like how the characters were written though, Amy was written as such a cocky bitch and I hated her in it. Doctor was definately written for Tennant again. Rory was the only character that was written right imo. Furthermore, I wanted to punch Ambrose in the face the whole time, she made me rage so hard.
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I only really liked the original series of doctor who, tom baker was probably the best of all the original doctors.

But the new series is laughable.

I mean, I saw vampires in venive and a few other ones, and all were awfully acted, awfully scripted and were laughable attempts to live up to the old standard.

I n my opinion, the new doctor who is absolutely crap.

But thats just my opinion.
Old Doctor Who was worse. The acting was terrible, special effects ridiculous, story lines just stupid, writing repetitive and the overall quality was shit.