What's the difference between a shiny and a normal pokemon anyways?
Besides, being shiny.
Also is there a golden type, above shiny?
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Nothing, they just look cooler. Like charizard is now black, and gyardos is now red. Thats the only difference.
And what do you mean by golden type, above shiny?
Originally shiny pokemon would crit more often.

But then the game author's community was like BAAAAWWWWWWW so he took that out.
Pope of BnW[Torigod]Lord of WibblesYouTubeToriblog AdminInterface Artist
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Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

Huh I never knew about that, was that originally in the Gameboy games? Or are you talking about the ones on the computer?
Does anyone have a poliwag or poliwhirl they'd like to trade for a lvl 16 shiny butterfree? If so, message me
yes i did, thank, thanks to you it alto easier for em to train iuse golem on the top andf my weak pokemon on the bottem.
When I have a Kadabra, do I have to trade it to evolve like in the gameboy games or is there anotehr method?
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ