lvl 70 belf hunter

lvl 80 belf priest
Originally Posted by Oyster View Post
Follow the posting format in the OP, please.

This, or I'll be sad because I can't even add you to the list.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
For those of you who have Ventrilo, I have a channel we can chill in-

Port Number- 5954

I'm takin' a shower, I'll be in there in a bit.

(Only 5 or 6 people at a time though, it ain't my server)
Last edited by oyster; Jul 3, 2010 at 05:41 PM.
back from the dead
So yeah Cretor rolled a toon on malfurion with me, so we have 3 tbers with lowbies there.

I'm on a 12 prot warrior, rittu's on a 15 fury warrior, and cretor's on a resto druid who's getting to 10 or so tonight.

So 2 of you (/me eyes oyster and shortyish) should roll some dps classes so we can have a full party for dungeons.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Wtb more European players to dungeon level alts with
blam if i decide to pay my wow you should chose a realm guys.
but my country's economy is going down so eh not sure.
Originally Posted by Chickenpox View Post
My links need some updating as ive moved around a bit
Faction changed Priest
New link

Also have a warrior alt to add

<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH