Thanks guys. And sorry but, I'm gunna have to start kicking. I see some horrible posts by the few members I recruited. I will be kicking Klatv3d due to inactivity and nikita1941 due to meaningless posts. More meaningless than they should be.
the goblin
okay bay then!
if your kicking me now...
I did stop anyway...
Last edited by nikita1941; Oct 28, 2011 at 12:04 AM.
I can whip one for ya
can i recruit peeeple 4 u, tamanuub? i can get COOOOOL peeple 2 join ur COOOOOOOOOOOOL clann. pl0x can i invite peeople to ur clan?!?!

That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Thanks Gabe D. Good luck pal ^^.

And Poppo, seriously. Please get your grammar back :|. And sure, as long as they are good replay makers. Have em post an app here with 2 replays of their choice.
the goblin
Originally Posted by Dyzaa View Post
Hey bio, I'm sorry jk's are really in-mature. Im truly truly sorry. Hope you can accept :P

-.- .. well i think i can accept it :3.. anyway i wish you good luck in the clan and.. a warning.. DONT ACT LIKE A 5 KID YEARS OLD OR YOU WILL BE KICKED... please :3
"You Cannot Punish A Man Twice For one Mistake"