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Around here, early summer means the big common snapping turtles are on the move. We find them crossing the road, moving from pond to pond, or just walking around the farm. Whether you pick them up, or catch them while fishing, snapping turtles are good eating.
While tasty, they can be a bit of a chore to clean.This is the method we use, and it only takes a few minutes per turtle to get them ready for your favorite recipe. It goes without saying, be careful around the business end of a big snapper. They can reach out a surprising distance and strike nearly as fast as a snake. Just for the record, their nervous system is such that the head will still clamp down on anything that gets near it, even after it has been removed from the body.
The next time you find yourself in possession of an eating-sized turtle, try these steps to get it ready for the table. For gear, you will need a pair of heavy pliers, a sharp filet knife, a heavy-bladed hunting knife, and a garden hose. A board with a nail sticking up through the center helps to secure the turtle, making it easier to skin.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
is this your biology homework
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
Step 1

Hook each hind leg of the gutted bison on a pulley-style stand and raise the bison into a hanging position. Use a 10-inch fillet knife to cut the skin along the inside of each leg and peel the entire skin off the carcass.

Step 2

Use a hacksaw to cut directly through the center of the bison. Follow the spine to split the animal into two even sections. The two sections make the animal easier to maneuver and handle.

Step 3

Locate the hump on one of the halves. The hump is the large chuck near the head of the bison. Follow the hump to the rib and cut a cross-section where the hump meets the ribs. Use the fillet knife to scrape the hump off the meat and set the meat on a table. Cut the chuck into individual steaks or roasts.

Step 4

Locate the brisket meat below the original hump and in front of the ribs. The brisket is the chunk of meat on the front shoulder of the bison. Use a hacksaw to remove the shoulder from the rib cage and set the shoulder on a table. Cut the section of meat into steaks or use as a roast.

Step 5

Make an incision at the base of the ribcage and set the ribs on a table. Shave the meat off the ribs with the knife and cube for stew or use as hamburger and sausage meat. The ribs do not provide smooth cuts and the meat is ideal for processing and grinding.

Step 6

Use the hacksaw to separate the remainder of the meat from the hip bone and set the meat on the table. The hind quarters will be the only remaining sections hanging on the hooks. Locate the cross section seam on the large chunk of meat. The seam separates the meat into a large section and small section that are joined with the hip. Use the fillet knife to separate the two sections. Cut the large loin section into steaks and roasts and cut the small sirloin into individual steaks. Both cuts are high quality and the sirloin is the prime cut on the bison.

Step 7

Remove the final quarters from the hooks and lay each on the table. Follow the natural seams with the knife to remove the rough steaks or grind and cube the meat. The hind quarters provide decent cuts for steaks or processing.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
  1. The room for removing the skins should be 14 to 16º C (57.2 to 60.8º F) to ensure the skins are maintained within a cold chain.

  2. Once bled and defeathered, first remove the shin skins from the lower legs. The scales of the shin should be in the center otherwise they are of no value.

  3. Invert the bird so that it is hanging by its wings. Follow the cutting lines as per the diagram. Deskinning with the use of a cradel is not recommended.

  4. For skin removal, use only one operator. Using more than one operator can cause an operator to damage the skin with cuts as the other operator moves the bird.

  5. The neck of the bird is typically trimmed 20 cm (7 3/4 inches) above the featherline, and the leg some 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 inches) above the "knee".

  6. Hose down the skin with water to remove blood and cool the skin.

  7. Use a blunt tool to remove access fat. Do not use a knife as this can accidentally cause cuts.

  8. Place the skin flesh side up flat on a pallet. Ensure that the pallet has some form of protection eg. a sheet of cardboard to avoid damage from the nails and the slats in the pallet. Similarly avoid contact with any metals such as the salt shovel against the skins.

  9. Use fine grain salt to heavily salt down the skin. Avoid coarse salt. The salt should cover all parts of the skin. Skins are living organisms. Salt dehydrates the skin, thereby restricting any bacterial growth. If insufficent salt is used, then this dehydration process is incomplete and bacterial growth will eat into the skin causing damage. Use plenty of salt. Typically 5 kg. of salt per skin.

  10. It is best if the pallet is on a slope to encourage drainage. Similarly it is best if the skin is not folded at this stage to assist in the draining process.
We have successfully produced ostrich skins without the use of a biocides before salting down. Since there are so many options on biocides, we prefer at this time not to comment on this aspect until we have more concrete data. However, we would like to say that if an animal slaughter plant is using them, then treat ostrich skins no different. In our opinion, what works for other skins, will most likely work for ostriches. Skins are typically placed in a biocide fo 30 minutes, piled to drain excess solution and then salted down.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
what is this for even.
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
Every once in a while, we highlight a questionable Faux-To on WonderHowTo. For example, tested false by Mythbusters and others, the tennis ball car break-in method appears to be completely debunk (even though Russell Crow pulls it off in his latest film, "The Next Three Days").
However, in the case of cannibalism, there's no debate about it. No question: this is a Faux-To.
Please, DO NOT attempt to eat a human, not matter how clear these instructions are. But, in the event of the apocalypse, now you know: eating the brain will make you go crazy, and the buttocks make a good Sunday roast.
Click through to io9 for enlarged viewing.
HowTo: Butcher a Human

Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.