Can i join please. I am brown belt but I have won without noobing lots of masterbelts and 10 dan ( (Damned) Xandr has rank 4 ). thanks.
Можно мне присоединиться? Хотя у меня коричневый пояс, я валил мастербулов и 10 данов (у одного был ранк 4, может знаете (Damned) Xandr) так что от пояса мало что зависит. я неплох в большинстве стандартных модов. сппасибо за внимание)
  • What is your real name? Dmitriy
  • How much Qi you got?
  • What year were you born? Moskow
  • Where are you from? (Country would be enough)Russia
  • What is your GMT?I dont know what is it
  • What is your favorite mod? Judo
  • What are your professions? (Texture, Replay, Movie & etc.)(Give us examples if possible)
  • If you've been in any clan before, What was it, What was the reason you left and What was your rank in that clan?
  • I have not been in any clan
  • If there are any other information you can give us about yourself, Feel free to tell us? ok. i am broun belt but i have won without noobing lots of masterbelts and 10 dans ( damned Xandr was rank4) also i am not bad in standart mods. i play only in relax. If it is important i am clever in live and have prizes from many breyn competitions.) i am not bad in making replays
hi guys.
I'm saying goodbye to the clan.
But I'm leaving my proposal to ally.
And I'm sorry for leaving the clan again.
The clan is very afk.So I'm leaving him again
And I'm sorry again.
I will always be with you. <3