Hey guys, I'm back and such..... Sorry for my recent inactiviy....
"I heard a good song on pornhub" -[Ethr]MrBoXMan
Triple X Rated [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Kay guys, im back from school. And guess what, you might see a
[Secret] tag next to my name today, super sex exicted.

And also, yesterday ive done some parkour wit' teague, he taught
me how to kinda run, and you know, he told me the mistakes and i fixed them..
i love him for that, my running is still kinda wacky, but i ran up to uke
in spar.tbm with 1000 distance without screwing up! haha!

And that was right after i came back from school. And, ATD, i love you too..
that song helped me focus so much man!

Also, feeling way much better now. (not ill)

The replay will be at the bottom btw.

Abdy/Gym' if ya' want to contiune arguing move on to pms. please. just dont
want mess on this dsc, you know what i mean.

Friends, OMFG! Yeah! my man is back wooho!
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First Time running..rpl (62.9 KB, 3 views)
Originally Posted by Gymbash View Post
Okay, well then why doesn't this apply to me?
Dud getting rejected makes me feel like an asshole, because I have been kicked from the clan, FOR THE EXACT SAME REASON, yet I was welcomed back with open arms, without even taking the time and effort to post an application. Abdy, you should get off your high horse. "I'm really starting to hate you." You don't even know me. So how's about you shut your damned mouth about me, and mind your business. All I did was give my opinion. That's my right. So who are you to "hate" me for something that I am totally entitled to?
Now, I have said my piece, and I bid you GOOD DAY.

Thanks for the love Gym <3 oh well the clan has changed is many ways i see o...o Anyways just to put my thoughts out there. I didn't know we had to put it in the recruitment thread?? When I join this clan we had so much love <3 and i love a7x but whatever the decision is final. I was very dedicated to this clan but i guess not enough to not even be recognized? The true reason i left was because I was angry at only me and a7x trying to become official and no one else trying. I MAY SUCK in game but I had a lot of pride in Ethr but its your lost. BTW i was a wisemen when i was kicked out.
Last edited by dud3aznftw; Nov 20, 2012 at 05:52 PM. Reason: needed more to say
I hate when ethr to the public Is just Ave,
its like he is the figure head of ethr. I don't hat Ave,
I love him, but I hate when the public forget about all the other members and
leaders. Its like the recruits don't even matter.

Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
I hate when ethr to the public Is just Ave,
its like he is the figure head of ethr. I don't hat Ave,
I love him, but I hate when the public forget about all the other members and
leaders. Its like the recruits don't even matter.

That is very true when I was a member or when im not a member. He is just very famous and he cant really help it. And its nice to see i still remember some members like you mrbox Alex is just a really good leader and he gets noticed by a lot of people.
Yeah but what about Inferno?
I know he is in-active due to some reason (not exactly sure)
But still, people should acknowledge the fact that they are other members

When i was playing i was acknowledge. When ppl saw my gamer tag they say, " BOO ETHR! " lol But i really dont know who Inferno is. I think i saw him once in game. Alex is just reallyactive
Shouldn't you be changing your siggy dud,
its a bit out-of-date?

Any of you guys doing anything interesting soon?

Originally Posted by dud3aznftw View Post
That is very true when I was a member or when im not a member. He is just very famous and he cant really help it. And its nice to see i still remember some members like you mrbox Alex is just a really good leader and he gets noticed by a lot of people.

It's not even that he is famous... It's just that he is a cool guy to be around, and isn't all douchey like a lot of other members in the community with money and power.

Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
Yeah but what about Inferno?
I know he is in-active due to some reason (not exactly sure)
But still, people should acknowledge the fact that they are other members

I find it funny that I was co-leader of this clan, and I got kicked for inactivity, but Inferno is like... never here. Ever. and he still remains at the top.
It's not that I don't like him or anything, it just looks kinda bad having someone who is so inactive as a leader.
I'm not suggesting kicking him out, just maybe demoting him until he becomes active again?
I totally agree though, other members should gain recognition for being in the clan.
I myself am pretty well known in the community, but not because of this clan, so it would be hard for me to tell if this problem was being addressed.
I'm really starting to like some of the new members that I have met since my return ^__^
Like ATD (Total hardass, that gave me a sweet routine) and MrBoXMan (One of our more sophisticated, and likeable members, due to his kindness, and class) *Tips hat* c;
In conclusion, Dud, i'm happy to see that you aren't totally pissed about the clans decision (I can't say that I would have done the same). I welcome you to come back in 2 weeks and apply in the recruitment thread. (That's the only reason why you lost Abdy's vote)
Okay, love you guys <3
-Gymmmmy c:
I hate living in Texas -_-
lol idk why im so famous xD all i do is just go in and play and make some bet servers

why cant it be easy to be cool irl D:
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>