So I decided my next AP mid champ would be orianna, after that I'll buy MF.

About orianna, any tips, builds... would be greatly appreciated.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
So I decided my next AP mid champ would be orianna, after that I'll buy MF.

About orianna, any tips, builds... would be greatly appreciated.

Don't waste all your mana at lvl 1.
Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
Gave this game a shot, and said "meh, to hard" and quit...

Thank You for this information.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
So I decided my next AP mid champ would be orianna, after that I'll buy MF.

About orianna, any tips, builds... would be greatly appreciated.

Max W skill first. (that one that slows the enemy. high damage + aa and your opponent is fucked)
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
Max W skill first. (that one that slows the enemy. high damage + aa and your opponent is fucked)

Pros max Q first.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Pros max Q first.

No, E!

Because it's always priceless when you kills someone with self cast "Protect" ball
Ya, I max Q with ori. Sometimes W if I feel like it.

Just auto your opponent to death ad you'll be k

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

I'm so addicted to this game I actually hear the chat noise when I don't even have LoL open.
Back for good.
Originally Posted by Fivah View Post
I'm so addicted to this game I actually hear the chat noise when I don't even have LoL open.

I had something like that when I played Chess competitively, I would close my eyes and see games happening. I stopped playing Chess straight afterwards.