Thanks Box for those :o Everyone should seriously read those, including me. >.<
Ave, I need to skype with you someday on the weekend, like seriously, I haven't heard yours or MrBox's voices yet. I've been meaning to ask Ave, how much Tc's did you get from that NoGrab Tourney? It seems like alot of people wanted to be in it anyway.
Also, how is it that you have like 5k posts and I dont even have 1k. And I only joined one month after you! LOL

Sorry about the useless topics in this ^^^ It's better to just say things all in one post than having to go around PM'ing every single person.

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
i am now a 10th dan bros only took me 13 months

lol webs u nub

also imma start hosting bet servers more often
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
lol bro i love that game too, i have like multiple gigabytes of mods so mine crashes alot too. i have some porn mods too lol xD

Porn mods lol, I have them 2 xD
Originally Posted by mwebs1 View Post
Also, how is it that you have like 5k posts and I dont even have 1k. And I only joined one month after you! LOL

lol look at my join date and my posts
Nothing here, move along.
Nice to see that much passion for such an old game, only mod i have is FXAA filters, which just add a little contrast to the game, overall it looks nicer with it.

Lol guys... look at this clan i found;

I dont know whether i like it or not.

Anyway, going to school now, super tired, i will see ya all in 6 or so hours.
Well guys, football is over, and it looks like i'm not going to be busy for a while, so that means it's toribashing for me!

I have missed you all. Even those of you that I don't know. <3
This is my clan. My family. I love you guys. c:
I hate living in Texas -_-
Welcome back Gymbash <3
Been a damn long time since we saw you back. Hope you're staying forever

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
I'm sorry I left. My net cut off :c

Really happy to have another original member back :3
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Hey guys.

Just came from school.

Again for those who didn't see my last post.

I am one of Ethr's new members. ;)
Well i think you all realized that.

Btw, you guys noticed that there are no tourneys at the moment?
