Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by SavageQ View Post
im an old alt that changed accounts, anyway could you give me an idea when tb next will be released? im so damn hyped boiii

first of all welcome back
second of all they unfortunately do not have a release date so we'll just have to wait and see
bird up
is there going to be advertising? i hope there is because this is a very underrated game and deserves more credit for the work put into it
<(Raven)g3tab0ut> seems like you have nothing nowhere near fate, Jhunter
Not sure if I didn't post it already but uh..
Unity has some problems with physics. Simulation will give different results in the same situation on the same machine(sometimes) not to mention different computers. Better of reading this unity forum thread.
Im just wondering how its gonna be solved, rewriting whole physics? simulating only on one machine and sending it to another players? The respar like script wont work anymore that way :/ I'm just wondering but if you want to keep it as a secret I get it.
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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Well, yeah. If it's a new game, why wouldn't we want to unbann everyone for the "Toribash: Next", it is a new beginning.
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.
Originally Posted by Soon View Post
Well, yeah. If it's a new game, why wouldn't we want to unbann everyone for the "Toribash: Next", it is a new beginning.

Probably because they might do the same thing
i hope this question wasn't asked too often already, but are there any up to date news about the release date of TB Next?

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