Check out the lane man, I wouldn't have been able to lane with beam early, and I wasn't going to gank. Going glaives>beam let me farm a lot harder and kept me a lot safer. Luna ulti is situational at best if you aren't going a ganking build.

MoM is much better for taking towers and farming (and it's only 1k so why not), and I had to tank up to survive the focus. Satanic is better late game of course though. I expected much more of a contain so heart is more effect in that regard.

I wanted to end it hard kept saying "we have advantage lets push it" but they wanted to hang back. I think this is a big problem people don't want to end they just pull back to farm. At least you should ward aggressively and keep the contain up. It really annoys me when people think it's ok to give a disadvantaged team their jungle and ancients -_-;

Blink force is good but only if you have other core items first. It's very greedy to sink 2k into a blink early.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff