Hey Fishies.

Fishies is quite active, and he's pretty fun too, he's a nice guy etc, he may have a short app, but I think he'd do good in it, I referred him.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
My name is Bashar, I'm russian.
I'm black belt.I'm so active on forum, as you see 600 posts in 35 days.
Reason(s?) for applying:
I like this clan, because its a forum clan. There I can find best, funny friends like glow, clow.
What I can bring to this clan:
Some spammy and some official posts
My dick.My soul.Me.(yarly)What you want.Tcs, items (yeah i only need head text)

About me:
Im nya~ i have a 14 years brother, im annoying him everyday like that higher guy.I know three languages: arabic, russian, english.I have grammar skills(not gonna show them in the app).I like anime, manga etc...I am invader.Just all those russians know me ;)
I dont need items.
Im a funny boy ^w^


GMT +3:00
kbai :*
Last edited by B4shata; Mar 5, 2011 at 10:50 PM.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.

This kid is cool.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Originally Posted by Missy View Post
Hello My name is MisSy! Nice too meet you I am 19 years old and live in Frankfurt Germany.
I would very much like to be admitted into the clan of C3, because It would make me very happy to find more connection with pleasant people in and out of game.

Here is .001% of my Bio:
I'm pretty much a HappyGoLucky, Love Everything&Everyone, minimalisticUrbanHippie // Street Urchin with an addiction to trying new things whenever I can, and living life to Fullest and then Some. I love music and photography with a burning passion. I play drum and cello. I was in a not so good but still good awesome local area band 2 months ago. Hmmz... I are student in college and a Snow-Boarding instructor//and licensed ski patroler. anything else ask me.

I also love zebra cakes.

Your application focuses on things that are more important (unlike the other ones....), and you elaborated despite the fact that English is not your main language.

I am pretty sure that we will never ever be able to watch a live performance of this "local area band." XD

Why did you choose C3 over other clans to socialize with?

Anyway, based on how the others are describing you, I'll go with a Yes.

Originally Posted by Phlip21 View Post
In-Game Name: Phlip21
Belt: Blue, about 230 from brown
Skill Level: 6 out of 10
Bans/infractions: None
Previous Clans: None
Favourite Mods: Aikido and Judo
Why i want to join: To learn a few skills, be part a clan, and to make a few friends

There's so little in this application... What am I supposed to criticize upon?! Air?

How the hell am I supposed to pronounce your Username?

Your Skill Level at writing applications: -6/1000

You probably do need to learn more than a few skills, but you're definitely not learning them from us here in C3.

Nice grammar, and that is the stupidest reason to join an official clan... Screw it, you'll be lucky if you get into a DSC clan made by some random guy.

When did you need a clan to make friends in an ONLINE GAME?

Originally Posted by Fishies View Post
Caution: This app might suck...alot.

Hello, my name is Fishies and I want to join C3 because It seems like a cool clan and glow <3 I feel like I can be good in a clan and this clan seems...a little on the down side of things and needs lifting up. Sooo I'm here! I also have a low belt, but this seems like a forum clan and thats kindof what I'm looking for. C3 should accept me because I am kinda active on the forums and like I said before, C3 is a forum clan.

I can't think of anything else, so bye.

Thank Glow that you're already in C3, so I can't stamp a big No on your application anymore. T_T

Originally Posted by B4shata View Post
My name is Bashar, I'm russian.
I'm black belt.I'm so active on forum, as you see 600 posts in 35 days.
Reason(s?) for applying:
I like this clan, because its a forum clan. There I can find best, funny friends like glow, clow.
What I can bring to this clan:
Some spammy and some official posts
My dick.My soul.Me.(yarly)What you want.Tcs, items (yeah i only need head text)

About me:
Im nya~ i have a 14 years brother, im annoying him everyday like that higher guy.I know three languages: arabic, russian, english.I have grammar skills(not gonna show them in the app).I like anime, manga etc...I am invader.Just all those russians know me ;)
I dont need items.
Im a funny boy ^w^


GMT +3:00
kbai :*

Wow... That's some pretty epic spam, B4shata....

Your reason on why you chose C3...

You certainly are.... -_-'

It's hard to decide, since your K-ON gif tilted me to the positive vote for a second. >.<'

Last edited by LastGod; Mar 6, 2011 at 06:30 AM.
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
Your application focuses on things that are more important (unlike the other ones....), and you elaborated despite the fact that English is not your main language.

I am pretty sure that we will never ever be able to watch a live performance of this "local area band." XD

Why did you choose C3 over other clans to socialize with?

Anyway, based on how the others are describing you, I'll go with a Yes.

There's so little in this application... What am I supposed to criticize upon?! Air?

How the hell am I supposed to pronounce your Username?

Your Skill Level at writing applications: -6/1000

You probably do need to learn more than a few skills, but you're definitely not learning them from us here in C3.

Nice grammar, and that is the stupidest reason to join an official clan... Screw it, you'll be lucky if you get into a DSC clan made by some random guy.

When did you need a clan to make friends in an ONLINE GAME?

Thank Glow that you're already in C3, so I can't stamp a big No on your application anymore. T_T

Wow... That's some pretty epic spam, B4shata....

Your reason on why you chose C3...

You certainly are.... -_-'

It's hard to decide, since your K-ON gif tilted me to the positive vote for a second. >.<'


The problem is, we cant afford to heighten our expectations very much, as long as once they are in, they prove to be good, they stay in.. trial users per say.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
My username is Ezoroth, which is for the character of my games I play, my forum roleplays, and my book I'm writing. I am also very active ingame, but not so active on the forums. I am very good at Aikido, great in Judo, and good in Wushu. I am no good in twin swords, and I can do great at various random mods. Some reasons I want to join are that I have done some reading on this clan, and it seems to be pretty cool, and I would like to join a clan with grammatical leaders. I found this clan by joining a room, and then looking up on it. Glow and LastGod are a bit insane, but in a good way.

I don't know what I could bring to the clan, that's really for others to decide. I'm a black belt, and I'm 13. I really like to just play, so it usually doesn't matter what is on. My grammar is okay, and people, don't say I have "bad grammar".

I would really like to join this clan, and thanks for taking the time to read my application. If you didn't take the time to read it, then thanks for reading something in my post. Unless you just read post.

Most Unfortunately,
Ezoroth Sin Roze
Last edited by Ezoroth; Mar 6, 2011 at 07:55 AM. Reason: Being tired makes me fail :P